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Various - Various Annexation Suggestions

Open Sayora77 opened this issue 2 years ago • 10 comments

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.11.9 Kaiserreich version: 0.20.1

Describe the specific change you would like: These are various suggestions I have over how territory gets divided that I've made while playing. Sorry if this is a bad way to do it but I didn't want to spam a million suggestions so I just condensed all of these into one. I completely understand if some of these aren't great ideas, they're just things bugged me I couldn't do while playing.

  • [x] Senegambia should have a cosmetic tag to just be Gambia that would be used to allow a decolonizing UK to release Gambia instead of just keeping while releasing the rest of their West African colonies

  • [ ] Similarly, Cape Verde-Guinea should be Guinea-Bissau (maybe not that specifically if it's OTL reliant) if released without Cape Verde. (Like if Iberian Federation gets a claim on Cape Verde while grabbing Portugal, or Portugal just gets released first)

  • [x] There should be an option for Entente member to give Zambia and Malawi to Rhodesia if existing so they can form their federation.

  • [x] There should be an option to give Libya to a non-syndicalist Italian ally as Italy can otherwise get claims on their former colony. Indonesia can be returned to allied Netherlands so not too much of a stretch here.

  • [x] Additionally, National France should get an option to claim Libya instead of puppeting like they can with Morocco. (This also allows a nice name placement if they have all of their former African territories + Togo and Dahomey, and gave the UK all of their claims)

  • [x] Togo, Cameroon, Libya, the former Belgian Congo, The Rif, Rio de Oro, and Ifni should get the resistance modifier if annexed by France even though they were never originally French colonies because it doesn't make sense for the surrounding states to have increased resistance but not these places just because France never controlled them.

  • [x] Would be nice to have unique flavor text in the Fate of Indochina event for if National France manages to retake Indochina mentioning France's colonial history in the region and also giving a warning about the increased resistance target if attempting to occupy.

  • [x] Also if National France puppets Indochina they should get resource rights on rubber in Indochina like how Germany and Austria get oil rights from Romania. Also gives some reward for being nice.

  • [x] National France should get an option to split Indochina with puppet Siam (giving Siam Samaburi, Battambang, and Pnom Penh) in order to not shoot themselves in the food too badly.

  • [x] Maybe a bug/oversight but National France doesn't get colonial resistance on Samaburi like the rest of Indochina.

  • [x] Ascension, Saint Helena, and Seychelles shouldn't use the German Endonyms if taken by the UK

  • [x] There should be an option to give Namibia to South Africa instead of releasing as a puppet if allied to South Africa

  • [x] South Africa should be able to claim Ruanda and Urundi like they can with Tanganyika for similar reasons as they already can Tanganyika

  • [x] Australasia should get a decision to claim the 3 Northern Malaysian states as part of the Anderson Doctrine as they were part of British Malaysia so Australasia would probably want to nab them.

  • [x] When former British and French colonies are being shuffled around through event, Nendo and Panau should be considered British colonial claims as they are not currently despite the other pacific islands Australasia can claim being considered as such.

  • [x] I think AI Australasia should be reluctant to give up the pacific islands (including France's) in the same way Canada is with St Pierre and should only give Malaysia back to the UK by default. To compensate for this, the UK should get an option to either accept this, or try harder and push for getting the islands (except for Papua New Guinea and Fiji) in return for cash. (like Romania can with Bucovina) National France should also be able to do this for New Caledonia and St Pierre and is denied, and either should be able to do this for any other piece of land an Entente member refuses to give up initially. The AI should always accept this proposal if a player makes the request in order to not screw over the player.

  • [ ] The UK should have an option to throw Ireland, Spain, or Argentina out of the Entente if they refuse to give up the UK's claims.

  • [x] There should be a separate Fate of Sudan event in the case it gets split up in a peace or for example, the Arabian Federation cores Egypt proper they should get an option to puppet Sudan

  • [x] Russia should be able to get a claim on East Prussia since they can claim the rest of Poland's claims on Germany and this creates a Prussian enclave, and expansionist Russia probably wouldn't want that.

  • [ ] In #10965 there were suggestions for Russian endonyms on German lands that didn't get implemented, likely because claiming them wasn't possible at the time, but would make sense to be used now due to them being claimable.

  • [x] Realpolitik Russia should be able to claim Cernauti as currently they can claim Stanislawow and Bessarabia creating an ugly border, and Cernauti has a Ukrainian population proportionally larger than Bessarabia which Realpolitik Russia still goes for.

  • [x] Cernauti and Stanislawow should also be coreable by Russia. For Stanislawow I don't it should count as core Polish territory that Russia shouldn't core as it has a large Ukrainian majority and other areas (like Vilnius) have higher proportions of Poles but Russia can still core them. (https://live.staticflickr.com/6051/6253952720_4f2caa52a3_b.jpg) For Cernauti, it has a Ukrainian majority much larger than Bessarabia's, which can be cored by Russia, so would make sense for Cernauti as well. (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Romania_1930_ethnic_map_EN.png)

  • [x] Russia should get a claim on Port Arthur as they had it before the Russo-Japanese war and likely still want it instead of giving it to China.

  • [x] If it's too unreasonable to always allow a claim, it could only be able to be claimed if denied re-entry to the Legation Council, though I believe this would be incompatible with rework lore since Russia would start on the Legation Council without Transamur.

  • [x] There should be option for Germany to annex Limburg and also give Westerscheldt to Belgium/Flanders as both can be in separate options but not both.

  • [x] Germany should get an option to claim Romandie and Ticino as they have small German minorities like Trentino does and were previously part of Switzerland which should be enough justification. Additionally, if Italy got Savoy and Upper Savoy, France getting Romandie would always look ugly.

  • [x] If Germany isn't cooperating with National France and are establishing their own French puppet, they should get the option to claim Nanzig in return for pp and stability hit. Kind of like how in OTL France wanted to annex the Saarland, annexing Nanzig has a decent bit of steel and makes a nicer border for Germany. France already can push their border to the Rhine river so it's not too unreasonable in comparison

  • [x] Might be more of a bug/oversight but Eastern Rhineland should automatically be released and core to North Germany if France has claimed the Rhineland

  • [x] Spain should be able to claim Roussillon (outside of claiming all of France) as it gets a Catalonian core and Spain would probably want something for fighting in the Second Weltkrieg.

  • [x] If a specific Yugoslav path allows claiming Western Macedonia via Drive to the Aegean, it should also get claims on Eastern Macedonia, Thessalonica, and Western Thrace as those states also connect to the Aegean and otherwise have to be given to Greece or Turkey, or suffer three occupation penalties. Also should give a claim on Albania and Northern Epirus as the focus says the existence Albania is a great insult so it doesn't make much sense to puppet it.

  • [x] If Yugoslavia has claimed Bulgaria, they should be able to claim/core Silistria in the annexation event as it's Bulgarian majority so they would probably want to annex it after going to war with Romania

  • [x] Norway's claims in Sweden and the North Atlantic shouldn't be locked to the PatAut path as they aren't too populous to be unreasonable to be annexed and it gives you something interesting to actually do if not forming Scandinavia.

  • [x] Sweden-Norway should be able to claim the North Atlantic Islands for being claims of Norway.

  • [x] Scandinavia should be able to claim Iceland and Orkney for being Scandinavian related as well.

  • [x] Poland should be able to claim Braslav, Novogrudok, Polesia, Pinsk, and Volhynia as if ethnic reasons worked in OTL to claim them it would make sense for them to work here.

  • [x] It would be nice to at least have the option to claim Farther Pomerania, Neumark, and Lower Silesia as Poland (even if only possible if Poland has done enough to be puppeting Prussia themselves and alongside an occupation penalty) as they are resource rich territories, make a more defensible border, and the endonyms already exist ingame.

  • [x] Romandie should get province 3612 back as it is majority French (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Switzerland_Linguistic_EN.png/300px-Switzerland_Linguistic_EN.png) and always makes a worse looking border, especially if National France claims Aosta Valley.

  • [x] Japan should be able to claim Alaska like Russia can as they already have endonyms and would probably want it if they conquered the US which is the only way they could get it.

  • [x] Japan should be able to claim Okhotsk and Kamchatka outside of the one specific Transamur event as should get an option to claim whenever getting an annexation event relating to that part of Siberia.

  • [x] Democratic Japan should get a focus to give Hawaii to the Pacific states instead of coring it, in order to make it possible for the PSA to join Japan's faction which they wouldn't otherwise because PSA gets a core on it which prevents the AI from wanting to join.

  • [x] India should be able to claim Aksai Chin because even though they can core it they will still try and give it away to Xinjiang before they can.

  • [x] India should be able to claim Nepal and Bhutan as they have similar cultures and India wouldn't really have a reason to puppet them. (Especially Bharatiya)

  • [x] Siam should get an option to claim (not be able to integrate fully like Malaya though) Cochinchina and Mekong Delta in Fate of Vietnam as they get endonyms and makes a nice border.

  • [ ] Khasab should have a separate annexation event for either giving it to Muscat, Trucial States, Arabia, Persia, or annexing as vital territory like Singapore.

  • [ ] Sabah should have an annexation event to allow giving it to a puppet Philippines instead of Philippines only occasionally getting a core through event.

  • [x] There should be events for Fate of Tabris and Fate of Khuzestan to allow giving them to Azerbaijan or Iraq respectively as the Kurdistan state and Urmia can be part of Kurdistan but the other 2 only have an option to go back to Iran making a weird border.

  • [x] A Syrian led Arabian Federation should be able to claim Van Urmia and Kurdistan. They have the other Kurd states to they could use that as Justification like Iran, Iraq, and non-Ottoman Turkey does.

  • [x] Greater Syrian Nationalism focus should give claims on Van, Urmia, the Kurdistan state, and Khuzestan as they are kind of Iraq which Syria is trying to claim and it creates ugly name placement and a tiny Kurdistan puppet if not. If too unreasonable for all of those to be claims Van alone would fix the name placement, prevent a small Kurdistan puppet and allows the rest to go to Iran.

  • [x] Assyria could also get claims on those states through the Kingdom of New Assur focus for similar justifications.

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change: I kind of explained each as I went along but I personally think they are all plausible so I hope at least some could considered.

Additional context or comments:

Sayora77 avatar Mar 31 '22 07:03 Sayora77

I added task list thing for these because it makes tracking them and state easier

also marked ME ones (after talking about it with the area dev) since they are either (in the case of fate of Arabistan/Khuzestan event, or ArabFed releasing SUD) not relevent/already adressed, and in the case of the rest, don't seem very reasonable and just seem to be about border looks

ghost avatar Mar 31 '22 08:03 ghost

Many of those suggestions will not be implemented, because they're either ludicrous or fringe even by nationalist standards:

  • Germany has no interest in annexing even more French lands - there is a reason Nancy was given back to France. The annexation of the Rhineland is an insane idea that's likely to be removed by the Commune's rework.
  • Ticino and Romandy barely have any Germans - by that logic, you might as well let Germany annex the American Midwest.
  • Norway's claims are restricted to the PatAut path precisely because they're fringe - only far-right wants them. Sweden would have zero interest in fighting Denmark or Britain for them.
  • Port Arthur is a fringe claim at most, and any Russia that happens to get it will also control Manchuria, making its point moot.
  • Orkney is 100% Anglicised by 1936 - the claim has zero basis on reality.
  • Poland's claims are already very generous for them starting with only Congress Poland - they will not be increased further.
  • The Romandy border is based on the border of the four French-speaking cantons.
  • Roussillon has been thoroughly Francified by 1936 - even Catalan nationalists no longer claim it.
  • Japan's claiming of Okhotsk/Kamchatka only works in the context of them being in control of Transamur.
  • No one in the history of Japan has ever considered claiming Alaska.
  • Nepal and Bhutan have their own cultures, and only Indian ultranationalists want to annex them - if anything, Bharatiya is the one most likely to leave them alone, not the opposite.
  • East Prussia is not claimed by either Poland or Russia - it is German through and through. Its change to Russia in OTL happened under extremely specific circumstances that will never exist in KR.
  • Australasia isn't going to get in trouble with the UK over the Pacific islands. - they have bigger problems to worry about.
  • Yugoslavia's claim to western Macedonia is already fringe, given the region's Greek majority - further expansions wouldn't be accepted even by extreme nationalists, as it would just cause more instability.

Alpinia avatar Apr 03 '22 03:04 Alpinia

National France should get an option to split Indochina with puppet Siam (giving Siam Samaburi, Battambang, and Pnom Penh) in order to not shoot themselves in the food too badly.

This can be done already - choose the option to split INC, annex Vietnam, then give the rest to Siam in the event options.

Alpinia avatar Apr 03 '22 04:04 Alpinia

  • Options to give ZAM/MLW to Entente ZIM have been added.
  • Namibia can now be given to SAF.
  • Fixed several oversights in the annexations listed above.

Alpinia avatar Apr 03 '22 04:04 Alpinia

RUS can now annex and core Cernauti, and may now always core Stanislawow.

Alpinia avatar Apr 03 '22 04:04 Alpinia

Germany can now both annex Limburg and give Belgium its claims.

Alpinia avatar Apr 03 '22 05:04 Alpinia

There is no Gambia tag, it is solely used for Senegal which is name shifted into Senegambia due to KR circumstances

Adding in the additional resistance to the non-French lands means that those lands would also be cored/given the autonomy effects which would be broken.

The existing Fate of Indochina event text works fine

A puppet tag already gives the overlord more resources than normal trade relations

Th3A1ph4D0g avatar Apr 16 '22 17:04 Th3A1ph4D0g

I know there isn't a Gambia tag. I'm just saying that the UK will only ever own Gambia and not Senegal so if they are decolonizing they should have an option to release SEN with just the Gambia province and give SEN a cosmetic tag to just be Gambia instead of Senegambia to make it look right.

Also Indochina already gets french resistance and isn't cored I don't think it works like the Ottomans

Sayora77 avatar Apr 24 '22 20:04 Sayora77

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it was created more than a month ago. Any dev is now free to relabel, close or implement it.

stale[bot] avatar May 31 '22 01:05 stale[bot]

  • Siam and Cambodia now get an option to occupy Kampuchea Krom and puppet the rest in the Fate of Vietnam annexation event.

PPsyrius avatar Jun 16 '22 08:06 PPsyrius

Most have been implemented or checked. Closing the report

Pelmen323 avatar Sep 04 '22 21:09 Pelmen323