> We could make `biofuel` equivalent to both statements, but that would violate the [single inheritance principle](https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/ontology/wiki/Principles-for-Taxonomy). I do not get the point why we are violating this principle. I...
> Although pull request #952 was merged, this issue is only partly resolved. The discussion went a bit away from the original idea of this issue. Which was to distinguish...
With the implementation of #976 we did not change the definitions of the subclasses of `origin`. In my opinion, all subclasses of `origin` should start their definition with: _xxx is...
> Not all subclasses can start with this, as some origins are intentionally limited, e.g. `renewable` is intentionally limited to energies. We have to discuss them case by case. I...
As discussed in [OEO dev meeting #26](https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/oeo-dev-26), I prepared a first restructure of `fuels`. Unfortunately, I could not find a GitHub function to display an organigram. If somebody knows a...
> I just figured out, that the equivalence expressions can be much simpler: In the example of liquid fossil fuels it can be just `fossil combustion fuel and ('has normal...
Alright, but how is `renewable energy carrier disposition` connected to `renewable energy` while using axioms? The definition of `renewable energy carrier disposition` is: _A renewable energy carrier disposition is an...
I tried to find definitions, but I don't think these would fit perfectly. But maybe it helps a bit to move on. First ideas for definitions: `consumes`: _A relation between...
> Maybe we need an object property to connect a sector to processes (and maybe also to material entities?). Something similiar to `is about` or `covers`, so that we can...
Do we need the inverse of `is sector of` to close this issue or is `is sector of` sufficient?