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Request for user_following data
Hi, Has anyone been able to download the user_followers and the user_following data? Please help!
hello, Have you got the user_followers and user_following data? I found we have the same research interests. Can we make a friend? I am a Chinese students.
@aabbccgithub hello bro did you solve the problem, I need this dataset to crawl but the code gives me some problem. can you help me with this to solve my issue and crawl this dataset!
@alijrhi and @aabbccgithub did you solve the issue? when I execute the command nohup python -m resource_server.app &> keys_server.out& in code directory it gives me this issue & was unexpected at this time. Did you face this issue? help me kindly if you can solve my problem please!
@alijrhi @aabbccgithub hello, Have you got the user_followers and user_following data? I am a Taiwan student. I have the same research interests. Is it possible for you to share this dataset with me?
The user followers data and tweets are downloaded in 5 months by using 10 keys.
The user followers data and tweets are downloaded in 5 months by using 10 keys.
Hi, is that possible to share the data? I'm a research based student too.