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A dark & yellowish vim colorscheme

Yowish, a yellowish dark vim colorscheme

Badge version License version


Yowish is a vim dark theme similar to outlander, with some yellow in it :smiley:
It works well on both GUI & 256-colors terminal.

Viml code

See supported file types, customized plugins and screens.

Note You can even use your own colors..

GUI vs terminal

The colors in 256-color terminals are quite similar to the ones in the GUI version.
Here is a comparison between GVim and xfce-terminal with a standard color palette:

GUI vs Terminal

Supported file types

Normally, any file type should be good looking, but some are more customized than others, check the screens.

Syntax plugins

The theme uses some elements from the following syntax plugins:

Other plugins

The theme provides custom colors for the following plugins (Note that you can disable them, see configuration for that).


Copy the distributed files into Vim runtime directory which is usually ~/.vim/, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.

Or in a better way, use a vim plugin manager:

Plugin manager In vimrc Installation command
Vim-plug Plug 'KabbAmine/yowish.vim' PlugInstall
Vundle Plugin 'KabbAmine/yowish.vim' PluginInstall
NeoBundle NeoBundle 'KabbAmine/yowish.vim' NeoBundleInstall


The configuration of the plugin is stocked in one global dictionary g:yowish.
To define/modify an option you can either:

let g:yowish = {}
let g:yowish.option1 = 'foo'
let g:yowish.option2 = 0


let g:yowish = {
			\ 'option1': 'foo',
			\ 'option2': 0
		\ }


Be sure to define options before loading the colorscheme

key default value description
colors See custom color palette Color palette
term_italic 0 Use italic in terminal
comment_italic 0 Use italic for comments
spell_bad_color NONE Change foreground color for spell check errors (Use the color name from color palette)
ctrlp 1 Custom colors for CtrlP
unite 1 Custom colors for Unite
nerdtree 1 Custom colors for NERDTree
agit 1 Custom colors for Agit
signjk 1 Custom colors for Signjk

Custom color palette

Starting from version 0.7.3 you can modify the color palette used in the theme using g:yowish.colors.
The values by default are:

g:yowish.colors = {
			\	'background'        : ['#222222', '235'],
			\	'backgroundDark'    : ['#0e0e0e', '232'],
			\	'backgroundLight'   : ['#393939', '236'],
			\	'comment'           : ['#6e6e6e', '242'],
			\	'green'             : ['#2acf2a', '40'],
			\	'lightBlue'         : ['#6699cc', '67'],
			\	'lightGreen'        : ['#99cc99','108']
			\	'lightRed'          : ['#f2777a', '203'],
			\	'lightViolet'       : ['#d09cea', '171'],
			\	'lightYellow'       : ['#ffcc66', '222'],
			\	'red'               : ['#f01d22', '160'],
			\	'selected'          : ['#373b41', '234'],
			\	'text'              : ['#cbcbcb', '251'],
			\	'textDark'          : ['#bebebe', '249'],
			\	'textExtraDark'     : ['#8c8c8c', '244'],
			\	'textLight'         : ['#ebebeb', '255'],
			\	'yellow'            : ['#ffbe3c', '215'],
			\ }

The value of each key is a list containing:

  1. A hexadecimal color for GUI.
  2. The equivalent 256-color for supported terminals.

Note that you can completely change the look, here is my personal custom palette:

let g:yowish.colors = {
            \	'background'       : ['#2f343f', 'none'],
            \	'backgroundDark'   : ['#191d27', '16'],
            \	'backgroundLight'  : ['#464b5b', '59'],
            \	'blue'             : ['#5295e2', '68'],
            \	'comment'          : ['#5b6176', '242'],
            \	'lightBlue'        : ['#e39f52', '179'],
            \	'lightYellow'      : ['#80aee3', '110'],
            \	'yellow'           : ['#5295e2', '68'],
            \ }

And there is how it looks in gvim & terminal vim.


Terminal vim


Feel free to add screens for other file types or plugins.


Css sample


Html sample


Pug sample


Javascript sample


Php sample


Ruby sample thanks to @


Scss sample


Sh sample

Diff with coffeescript files.



Being the 1st vim colorscheme that I'm developing, feel free to report issues. Pull requests are welcome, but please provide a before/after screenshot.

And if you're asking yourself, yeah I like yellow :smile:


  • Support more plugins if needed
  • Better support for the following file types (PR are more than welcome):
    • [ ] python
    • [ ] c
    • [ ] java


Thanks to Bram Moolenaar for creating the best piece of software in the world :heart:

Thanks to you if you're using yowish.