generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
generator copied to clipboard

Type Generator: No framework. No magic. Just code. 100% debuggable.


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Setup for Visual Studio

via Annotations

Pros: Easy to use, very quick to implement

Cons: Attributes are part of the build, annotations assembly has to be published and loaded

Install nuget package KY.Generator

Decorate a class with one of our generate attributes

using KY.Generator;
internal class TypeToRead
  public string Property { get; set; }

See the complete showcase

See documentation for more details

via Fluent API

Pros: generator code is completely separated and is not published, more actions available than via annotations

Cons: the initial setup is not so easy as with annotations

Create a new class library project

Install nuget package KY.Generator.Fluent

Derive a class from GeneratorFluentMain, override the execute method and use the Read method

public class GeneratorMain : GeneratorFluentMain
    public override void Execute()

See the complete showcase

See documentation for more details

Setup for Console/Powershell

Download KY.Generator.exe from Releases

Run a command

KY.Generator.exe reflection -assembly=KY.Generator.Examples.Reflection.dll -name=ExampleType -namespace=KY.Generator.Examples.Reflection -relativePath=Output -language=TypeScript

See documentation for more details

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For complete overview see our documentation