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Looking for teammates / matchmaking

Open Wkkkkk opened this issue 3 years ago • 69 comments

Hi everyone, I just want to create a place where we can discuss our proposals and look for potential teammates. You're more than welcomed to leave some messages here. So far, I have two proposals: Essay: The trend of distributed software architecture, Feedback on FaaS, Serverless, Containerization, and DevOps. If you're interested in the essay then we can discuss the topic a bit more and write it together. Hopefully, you have another proposal in which I could participate. You can find me at [email protected].

PS: I tried to add the label “collaboration_wanted” but couldn't find it. Maybe only TAs could add labels to issues.

Wkkkkk avatar Apr 10 '21 09:04 Wkkkkk

Hi, I'll put my ad here as well. I have two merged proposals: tutorial - Configuration of CI/CD infrastructure with Ansible, and feedback.

If anyone is interested in partnering on those task, reach out to me, either here or at [email protected]

Edit: Found for both.

sestys avatar Apr 13 '21 07:04 sestys

I am looking for a partner to create a demo for week 3 (CI/CD and feature flags) or for week 4 (Containers)

[email protected] Landeholt#6992

My idea:

portable CI/CD

Develop actions/steps locally and deploy them to your favourite CI platform through a scripting language instead of configuration files (YAML/JSON) in order to enabling configuation as code that week 3 papers mentions.

EDIT: partner found

landeholt avatar Apr 04 '22 10:04 landeholt

Looking for teammate for task 3/4. Task available: "executable tutorial" or "feedback".

Interested in making a tutorial for the topic "software bots". [email protected]

EDChui avatar Apr 05 '22 09:04 EDChui

I am looking for a partner as well. I have a couple of hands-on years in DevSecOps, so we could do cool stuff.

I am done with the four tasks( Presentation, Exec Tutorial, Essay, and Feedback), so if you are willing to collaborate for Task 5(Demo, Open Source, or Course Automation), I am open to suggestions.

[email protected]

mrbgco avatar Apr 27 '22 13:04 mrbgco


I've sent you an e-mail.

bckfilip avatar May 03 '22 11:05 bckfilip

I would still be open for a partner for the presentation "Open source culture and conventions" ( The proposal has already been accepted and the presentation will be held at 2022-05-10.

Additionally, I am looking for a partner to give feedback for. Please contact me at [email protected].

nalenz avatar May 03 '22 11:05 nalenz

I am looking for partner who can do executable tutorial or essay with me on task 4~ Please contact me at [email protected]!

b06902047 avatar May 04 '22 17:05 b06902047

Looking for a partner to do presentation and demo with me. Perhaps a bit ambitious from my side, but preferably the ones for week 3 and week 4

Please contact me at [email protected]

EDIT: Partner found

ikhudur avatar Mar 20 '23 14:03 ikhudur


I am looking for someone serious to collaborate on a presentation, demo, and possibly essay.

My timeline is relatively compressed as I need to complete the mandatory assignments as fast as possible.


Ideally, I'm looking for someone with prior knowledge of DevOps (e.g., Docker, GitLab Runner, Terraform, etc.).

I speak Swedish but am fluent with English as well having lived in the US for over a year.


If you'd like to work together and learn at pace, don't be a stranger - please reach out to me at:

Viktor Meyer [email protected] +46 79 077 40 39

VIGGEEN avatar Mar 20 '23 18:03 VIGGEEN

Looking for someone to do demo and/or feedback with! Reach me at [email protected] or 0720070963! ^^

edit: Found!

Afruzz avatar Mar 21 '23 09:03 Afruzz

Looking for a partner to do presentation and (demo or feedback) with. [email protected]

sdi1400258 avatar Mar 21 '23 13:03 sdi1400258

Looking for someone to do demo and presentation with.

[email protected] or call / text me at 0761006493

dague1 avatar Mar 21 '23 14:03 dague1

Hi! Looking for a lab partner to do demo and presentation with.

Reach me at [email protected] or 0700476338

EDIT: partner found

jenniferclarsson avatar Mar 23 '23 14:03 jenniferclarsson

Hello, I'm looking for a partner to do any task except for the Demo. I'll edit this comment when I find a lab partner.

Contact: [email protected],

edit: Not looking for lab partner any more.

lehtihet avatar Mar 23 '23 21:03 lehtihet

Hello, Looking for a teammate to do the presentation and/or demo with. Flexible in terms of topics. I can dedicate a good amount of time since this is the only course I am taking during this period. Have some prior experience in DevOps.

Contact: [email protected]

Edit: Found

shashankshirol avatar Mar 24 '23 09:03 shashankshirol

Hej alla.

Looking for a partner to do a demo for week 4, on containers or microservices 💾. Will edit once I find someone.

Contact: [email protected] +46 79 359 33 56

Edit: Found 💻

PraneetKala13 avatar Mar 27 '23 08:03 PraneetKala13

I am looking for someone to present with, perhaps on MLOps. Reach out to me at [email protected]

Tack och Med vänlig hälsning, Linus

LinusOstlund avatar Mar 27 '23 09:03 LinusOstlund

I am looking for someone to do the demo with, I am interested in serverless and containers but flexible to learn anything devops related. :) Contact: [email protected]

omidhzr avatar Mar 27 '23 12:03 omidhzr

Looking for someone to do the essay with! Contact: [email protected] 073 380 43 61


Hastimazadeh avatar Mar 29 '23 11:03 Hastimazadeh


Looking for collabration to do a Presentation in week4 & for Essay. I have some knowledge in AWS and also open for any new topics.

Contact: [email protected]

BR Suvarchala 073 493 1700

Suvarchala1995 avatar Mar 29 '23 20:03 Suvarchala1995


I'm looking for collabration to do a Presentation and optionally for the Essay.

Contact: [email protected]


haraldhob avatar Mar 31 '23 14:03 haraldhob

Hi, I'm looking for teammates to collaborate with until the end of the course—any topic or suggestion related to DevOps. [email protected] Best regards Iman Dashtpeyma

ImanDashtpeyma avatar Apr 03 '23 08:04 ImanDashtpeyma


I'm looking for collaboration for an essay or a demo, preferably in week 6 or weeks afterwards. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]


Letuvertia avatar Apr 11 '23 08:04 Letuvertia

Looking for teammate for essay and feedback task, aiming for the April 24 deadline.

I have an idea for a topic but am open to other suggestions. (Will edit this comment if I find a partner)

Contact me at [email protected]

Oliver Schwalbe Lehtihet

edit: partner found

lehtihet avatar Apr 17 '23 13:04 lehtihet


Looking for a teammate for demo. I'm thinking about doing the demo for week 6 as MLOps interest me but we could of course do other topics.

Contact: [email protected]


Storsorken avatar Apr 17 '23 21:04 Storsorken

Hi, I'm looking for a teammate for the presentation during week 8.

contact: [email protected]

aym1king avatar Apr 24 '23 21:04 aym1king

Hello Guys 👋

I'm Looking for a teammate who wants to do one or two tasks for the course.

The projects 🔬

The projects that I am interested in are:

  • [ ] Executable tutorial
  • [ ] Essay
  • [ ] Contribution to open-source

Ranking 📊

Here you can find a table with my preference for these tasks. Of course, I am open to conversation.

The table will be from my most preferable to my least preferable.

Rank Task
2 Essay
1 Executable tutorial
0 Contribution to open-source

F.Y.I. I am not saying which of these tasks are more funny or interesting or "cool" I am just saying which order I prefer to do them.

My thoughts 💭

Here you can find some of my thoughts about these tasks very briefly. 👇

  • Essay
    • The essay, I think, is relatively easy because the topic is kind of open. And also, the portion of words is not too many, more or less three pages ( 2400-2600 words). You can find more: essay
  • Executable tutorial
    • The executable tutorial seems very interesting, and we can learn a new tool and play with it, creating a tutorial which will help others to learn and play put their hand on it. You can find more: executable tutorial
  • Contribution to open-source
    • Well, about Contribution to open-source, I can admit this task would be first in my preferences section BUT there are some issues with this task (I will not go to this). If someone wants to try it, I am full-on down. You can find more: contribution to open-source

Contact Infos 📗

Finally, I would like to thank you in advance 😀

sifisKoen avatar Apr 27 '23 12:04 sifisKoen

Hey 😄

I know I'm quite late but I am looking for a teammate to create an executable tutorial. If you're interested you can contact me here or at [email protected].

moritzln avatar May 02 '23 07:05 moritzln


If there is still anyone else out there who hasn't done presentation or demo yet and wants to collaborate for the last week,

Just hit me up 😂

[email protected]

aymlking avatar May 08 '23 15:05 aymlking