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pya.Library().library_by_name() for unspecified technology not functioning
Based on the documentation, https://www.klayout.de/doc/code/class_Library.html#method21
I am able to get the string name for the library:
But not able to ask for a library by name; the following doesn't work:
I get a blank.
It seems intermittent:
> [pya.Library().library_by_name(l) for l in pya.Library().library_names()]
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, <pya.Library object at 0x14b4c6740>, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, <__main__.MyLib object at 0x14b52edc0>, <__main__.PCellLib object at 0x14b4f4d40>, <__main__.xxx object at 0x14b69f0c0>, <pya.Library object at 0x14b526f40>, <__main__.SiEPIC_General object at 0x14b644040>, None, None, None, None, <SiEPICfab_Grouse_Base_Library.SiEPICfab_Grouse_Base_Dev object at 0x14b9cdec0>, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
Then I try with the technology as an argument, and it works correctly:
> [pya.Library().library_by_name(l,'SiEPICfab_Shuksan_PDK') for l in pya.Library().library_names()]
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, <pya.Library object at 0x14b4c6740>, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, <Designs.design_lukasc.Library_lukasc object at 0x14cd540c0>, <__main__.MyLib object at 0x14b52edc0>, <__main__.PCellLib object at 0x14b4f4d40>, <__main__.xxx object at 0x14b69f0c0>, <pya.Library object at 0x14b526f40>, <__main__.SiEPIC_General object at 0x14b644040>, None, None, None, None, <SiEPICfab_Grouse_Base_Library.SiEPICfab_Grouse_Base_Dev object at 0x14b9cdec0>, None, None, None, None, None, None, <__main__.SiEPICfab_Shuksan_Library object at 0x14bb00940>, None]
I think the explanation is the following: if you have multiple libraries with the same name, "library_by_name" will return "None" to indicate the name is ambiguous.
If you add a technology, KLayout will select the matching library and the technology acts as a disambiguator. The return value will be valid then.
Does that explain the effect?