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extensions to "Object Properties" window
Hi @klayoutmatthias,
I am wondering if it may be possible for end users to add extensions to the Edit > Properties window (Object Properties), through Python? Besides "Geometry" and "PCell parameters", there could additional tabs that the PDK developer adds, e.g.,
"Documentation" which would have an HTML viewer. The source would either be local or a remote web page. The URL and GUI code would be a function within the PCellDeclarationHelper Class in the code that is specific for that cell, as a new "def".
"Simulation" which could export a simulation configuration based on the PCell parameters. There could be several different TCAD simulation tools, and different one depending on what the PCell is doing.
This approach would make it easy for for the user to find more information about each PCell and to conduct simulations.
If the above is not easily possible, an alternative is to build a separate GUI for additional PCell extensions. In such a case, I can add a button using the "callback" functionality already present.
Thank you Lukas
Hi Lucas,
yes, basically that is possible.
In general, there is a wish to provide custom UIs for the parameter page - that would enable all kind of customizations - including HTML pages or similar. I understand your request to fit into that scheme. However, I have not made up yet a concept for custom PCell UIs.
There is a certain technical risk when Python/Ruby-provided UI elements enter core dialogs as object ownership is not easy to share between the script interpreter and C++. I think it will take some effort to stabilize such an implementation.