When I was loading the motion_file, the value of global_root_yaw_rotation, global_translation_xy, global_translation_xz, local_rotation_to_root, local_translation_to_root and root_translation_xy can't be read with the method that is getattr(obj, k). Are they useless for...
When I tried to run a pre-trained ASE low-level controller, using the command: python ase/run.py --test --task HumanoidAMPGetup --num_envs 16 --cfg_env ase/data/cfg/humanoid_ase_sword_shield_getup.yaml --cfg_train ase/data/cfg/train/rlg/ase_humanoid.yaml --motion_file ase/data/motions/reallusion_sword_shield/dataset_reallusion_sword_shield.yaml --checkpoint ase/data/models/ase_llc_reallusion_sword_shield.pth, I had...
When I tried to use the IsaacGym_Preview_4, this error occured. ``` File "scripts/test.py", line 51, in run_env(render=True, headless=False) File "scripts/test.py", line 32, in run_env env = VelocityTrackingEasyEnv(sim_device='cuda:0', headless=False, cfg=Cfg) File...