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Woboq CodeBrowser

Results 35 codebrowser issues
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It seems that the generator look into /usr/include to search include files that is the path where the default compiler put header files. On the other hand in case I...

For example in the top-level `index.html` code like this is generated: ```[+] myProject/``` The myProject folder does contain an `index.html` which is served by a properly configured webserver. If you...

I'm trying to create a doc for tensorflow. First, it's hard to use a dummy gcc on Bazel. (you need to change a lot of things) And, the simple scripts...

Hi, I am using the main branch of codebrowser_generator, when I tried processing [librdkafka](, I got many errors, I just paste the head here: ```bash [0%] Processing librdkafka/examples/kafkatest_verifiable_client.cpp [1%] Processing...

source, adlist.h /* - 双端链表结构 */ typedef struct list { // 表头节点 listNode *head; // 表尾节点 listNode *tail; // 节点值复制函数 void _(_dup)(void *ptr); // 节点值释放函数 void (*free)(void *ptr); // 节点值对比函数...

I was wondering if it is possible (and if you had any plans) to add a general "search" option that can just search for things in the codebase. Examples might...


Would be nice to see padding, in class members. For field1 padding is: offset of field2 - offset field1 - sizeof field1 or size of class - offset of field1-...


Or project use lot of std::make_shared, std::make_unique, boost::make_shared, boost::make_*. In that case after moving mouse above constructor, it shows 0 usages.


Classes that have default constructor, C structs have no usages/references in Woboq. Woboq should show also references to such compiler generated methods. Could look like this: Moving mouse above class/struct...


source - llvm-project-14.0.6. the definition is not displayed CodeGenOptions.cpp and so with many files CodeGenOptions.h ![image]( CodeGenOptions.cpp ![image]( for example, in the vs code program, using the c/c++ extension (adds...