android_openssl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android_openssl copied to clipboard

OpenSSL scripts and bins for Android (useful for Qt on Android apps)

Results 9 android_openssl issues
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In recent versions of Qt, ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS must be defined before the first call of FindPackage(Qt5 ...), this is at least what the example projects suggest. So it is very likely...

Added missing symlinks to no-asm libraries so CMake can find them correctly. Without the symlinks findOpenSSL only finds the static libraries

Does this work even when some sources suggest Android would not load versioned (e.g. .so.1.1) libraries?

There is build for OpenSSL 3.1.x version in ssl_3 folder. Is possible to make build for OpenSSL 3.0.x version too ?

Fixes #59, about using OpenSSL 3 for Qt 5.15.8+ LTS. The required patch can be found in

[OpenSSL 1.1.1 End of life](,OpenSSL%201.1.,your%20copy%20of%20OpenSSL%201.1.) For the Qt 5.15 LTS, the version of the used OpenSSL must be upgraded to the 3.x. In the latest official LGPL updated version that...