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Initial state and goals are incorrectly generated in problem file by PDDLProblemGenerator
Now that I am moving my code from using old ROSPlan version to the latest one, I have realized about this issue.
The "makeInitialState()" method of "PDDLProblemGenerator" writes parameters of a predicate following the order in which they are stored in KB, but this is wrong. And same problem is happening in "makeGoals()". The parameters of a predicate could be stored in any order in the KB because they have name, but the problem file generated is wrong due to this assumption.
My domain:
(define (domain organize_items)
(:requirements :typing :disjunctive-preconditions)
container - place
item - object
box - place
(robot-at ?p - place)
(object-at ?o - object ?p - place)
(localised ?o - object)
(grasped ?o - object)
The correct generated problem file should be:
(define (problem task)
(:domain organize_items)
home - place
c1 - container
item_0 item_2 item_1 item_3 - item
b1 - box
(robot-at home)
(object-at item_0 c1)
(object-at item_2 c1)
(object-at item_1 c1)
(object-at item_3 c1)
(:goal (and
(object-at item_0 b1)
(object-at item_2 b1)
(object-at item_1 b1)
(object-at item_3 b1)
Generated problem file:
(robot-at home)
(object-at c1 item_0)
(object-at c1 item_2)
(object-at c1 item_1)
(object-at c1 item_3)
(:goal (and
(object-at b1 item_0)
(object-at b1 item_2)
(object-at b1 item_1)
(object-at b1 item_3)
As this is is not happening in the old version of ROSPlan, I have compared both codes. The makeInitialState() in the new version of ROSPlan is:
std::vector<rosplan_knowledge_msgs::DomainFormula>::iterator ait = domainAttrSrv.response.items.begin();
for(; ait != domainAttrSrv.response.items.end(); ait++) {
rosplan_knowledge_msgs::GetAttributeService attrSrv;
attrSrv.request.predicate_name = ait->name;
if (! {
ROS_ERROR("KCL: (PDDLProblemGenerator) Failed to call service %s: %s", state_proposition_service.c_str(), attrSrv.request.predicate_name.c_str());
} else {
for(size_t i=0;i<attrSrv.response.attributes.size();i++) {
rosplan_knowledge_msgs::KnowledgeItem attr = attrSrv.response.attributes[i];
pFile << " (";
//Check if the attribute is negated
if(attr.is_negative) pFile << "not (";
pFile << attr.attribute_name;
for(size_t j=0; j<attr.values.size(); j++) {
pFile << " " << attr.values[j].value;
pFile << ")";
if(attr.is_negative) pFile << ")";
pFile << std::endl;
pFile << std::endl;
While in the old version there is the code after "// find the PDDL parameters in the KnowledgeItem". And in my understanding it is this code which guarantees to write the parameters of the predicates in the correct order.
// add knowledge to the initial state
for(size_t i=0; i<environment.instance_attributes.size(); i++) {
std::stringstream ss;
bool writeAttribute = false;
// check if attribute is a PDDL predicate
std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string> >::iterator ait;
ait = environment.domain_predicates.find(environment.instance_attributes[i].attribute_name);
if(ait != environment.domain_predicates.end()) {
writeAttribute = true;
ss << " (" + environment.instance_attributes[i].attribute_name;
// find the PDDL parameters in the KnowledgeItemAs conclusion, in
for(size_t j=0; j<ait->second.size(); j++) {
bool found = false;
for(size_t k=0; k<environment.instance_attributes[i].values.size(); k++) {
if(0 == environment.instance_attributes[i].values[k]>second[j])) {
ss << " " << environment.instance_attributes[i].values[k].value;
found = true;
if(!found) writeAttribute = false;
ss << ")";
if(writeAttribute) pFile << ss.str() << std::endl;
Same code could be found in "makeGoals()" of old version of ROSPlan.
Therefore, my conclusion is that this is a bug. Please, could someone confirm it? Thanks.
Working on this, see: