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Python API for KB data-services

.. image:: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/Logo_Koninklijke_Bibliotheek_wordmark.svg/120px-Logo_Koninklijke_Bibliotheek_wordmark.svg.png :alt: Koninklijke Bibliotheek Logo :align: right :scale: 50 % :width: 100 px :height: 100 px

.. _API: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface .. _DataServices: http://www.kb.nl/bronnen-zoekwijzers/dataservices-en-apis .. _Delpher: http://www.delpher.nl/ .. _KB: http://www.kb.nl/en .. _OAI-MPH: http://www.openarchives.org/pmh/ .. _Python: http://python.org/ .. _SRU: http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/ .. _Travis: https://travis-ci.org/KBNLresearch/KB-python-API .. _CC-BY-NC-ND: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ .. _Pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/kb/ .. _Downloads: https://pepy.tech/project/kb

===================================================================== KB python API: Access to National Library of the Netherlands datasets

.. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/kb :alt: Downloads :align: left .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/kb?logo=kb :alt: Pypi version :align: left Pypi_ version

.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/KBNLresearch/KB-python-API.svg :alt: build status :align: left Travis_ build status

KB-Python-API is a simple API_ for Python_, the API provides easy access to free and CC-BY-NC-ND_ datasets provided by the National Library of the Netherlands (KB_).

It relies on the back-end infrastructure of the KB_ which consists of an SRU_ and OAI-MPH_ service. The KB Python API makes it easy to interact with historical data, for more information on the provided datasets and data-rights take a look at the DataServices_ page of the KB.

For example usage have a look at the provided example.py file, or consult the /test directory.

This package is also available from the pypi_ website. To do a quick install:

.. code-block:: python pip install kb

OAI example

.. code-block:: python

>>> from kb.nl.api import oai
>>> from kb.nl.helpers import alto_to_text
>>> oai.list_sets()
['ANP', 'BYVANCK', 'DPO', 'SGD']
>>> records = oai.list_records("ANP")
>>> records.identifiers[:3]
['anp:1937:10:01:1', 'anp:1937:10:01:2', 'anp:1937:10:01:3']
>>> len(oai.resumptiontoken)
>>> record = oai.get(records.identifiers[0])
>>> alto_record = record.alto
>>> alto_to_text(alto_record[0]).split("\\n")[1][:27]
u' RADIO 1 van 1 Ootober 1937'
>> image_record = record.image
>>> len(image_record)

SRU example

.. code-block:: python

>>> from kb.nl.api import sru
>>> from kb.nl.helpers import alto_to_text
>>> response = sru.search("Beatrix AND Juliana AND Bernhard AND telegram", "ANP")
>>> for record in response.records:
...     print("Date: %s" % record.date)
...     print("Abstract: %s" % record.abstract) 
...     print("Title: %s" % record.title)