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An AmongUs mod with learning & love

Results 11 TownOfNext issues
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---这里什么都没有--- (还有toh好像把rpc相关的改了) (aus冰了)

**Describe the bug** All players, including the host, are unable to call an emergency meeting during the round as it keeps showing "Waiting for Host". The host ping is around...

Bug 建议把Version check 从基于playerid 改为基于client id 因为client id 不会重复使用且有先后顺序 修来自TOHE 2.3.6的远古bug

New Feature

The Vent Pop'er (Crewmates): The Vent pop'er is a crew that can vent and whichever vent their in, anyone else in that vent gets pop'ed out

New Role

抄你的码字结果把bug抄过来了 粘贴换行符会使消息直接发送 似乎没有必要去patch textbox,直接在chatcontrol里面写就行了 在tohe的pr里我删掉了textbox patch 将修改字数限制和字符替换移到了chatcontroler里面,并且替换换行符为空格,检查粘贴的字数是否超过了字符上限 __instance.allowpaste看起来也没什么用,crtl+v已经实现了,字数多了带换行符 textbox 和 chatcontroller会settext连着发2次消息极为逆天


**描述错误** 对错误内容的清晰简洁的描述。 **如何重现** 重现这个错误的步骤: 1. 前往 本地并开房 2. 点击 设置开启清道夫 3. 使用 清道夫刀人 4. 出现错误 清道夫与鸡腿一起被扔出地图 **截图** 如果需要,请添加屏幕截图以帮助解释您的问题。 **日志** 如果可以,尽可能上传日志文 [TONX-v3.0.1-2023-12-09_10.16.27.log]( 件以更快解决这个问题。[如何获取日志文件](如何得到日志文件) [TONX-v3.0.1-2023-12-09_10.16.27.log](


1. /r不会显示附加职业的设置 2. /r [附加职业名]不会显示附加职业介绍 (大厅和游戏中都是这样,/m可以正常使用) ![2023-11-23]( ![2023-11-23 (1)]( ↑模组端无法发送含该指令的消息,原版端发送后无反应


### **Ideas** (Sorry i got too much tell me if i should stop my ideas) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Doctor should have unlimited battery vitals by default (and remove doctors settings ((Battery...

New Role

### **Name: Joiner** ### **Team**: Neutrals ### **What it does:** - Joiner must finish tasks and they join a random killing roles team and they can see which team and...

New Role

Pls add Min and Max neutral killers option in neutral role settings.

New Feature