CustomNPC-Plus copied to clipboard
Missing `customnpcs.refmap.json`
Missing customnpcs.refmap.json
- Minecraft: 1.7.10
- Forge:
- CustomNPC+: 1.9.3
Hi. 1.9.3 release build does not contain mixins.customnpcs.refmap.json
file that makes it impossible to run in production environment. Can you please rebuild it and re-upload or create a new release
[23:22:37] [Client thread/FATAL]: Mixin apply failed mixins.customnpcs.json:MixinModelBase -> net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException @Inject annotation on handler$setLivingAnimations$zzd000 could not find any targets matching 'setLivingAnimations' in the target class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase. No refMap loaded.
org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: @Inject annotation on handler$setLivingAnimations$zzd000 could not find any targets matching 'setLivingAnimations' in the target class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase. No refMap loaded.
1.9.3 on the left, 1.8.6 on the right side