Results 243 comments of Dmitry

Well, basically what you need to do is: 0. Clone the project, make sure it builds, create a new branch where you will implemented this stuff. Call it whatever you...

I mean you only ever need the "x.y.z" numbers, you don't need the last number (which is ever increasing).

Seems like it's using Tinyboard so it should be easy to add support to it and I don't need to implement anything. I don't add support for new sites except...

>open link in browser Just click it?

I mean it will do exactly the same thing - send an intent to the OS. And then the OS will decide what to do. If it doesn't allow you...

Actually not a bug because it's just hardcoded and it was like that since the original Kuroba days.

No there is no way to do that now. For comment filtering you can select a part of the comment and there should be "Filter" menu item.

Additionally "Filter tripcode" and other "Filter" (I don't remember whether there is more of them) menus should be moved into "Filter" submenu because the current post longtap menu is quite...

Probably it's not going to be as easy as it may seem. There is this class `ThreadCellData` which holds a list of `PostCellData` and `PostCellData` is basically a class of...