Results 243 comments of Dmitry

No need to do that for "every" image since those settings are remembered. Only when you want to change them.


Well it says in "Result path" what the result directory structure will look like. >Maybe it might be better to seperate the boxes or organize it better? I dunno, most...

There is kinda not enough vertical space there to space elements out. I intentionally grouped them together this close so that most of the elements are visible to you right...

What happens if you open this link in an incognito mode in your browser (on your phone)? It works for me, it starts the CloudFlare check. It also works...

Also, try clearing the cookies.

You need to enable them first. Just like any other site. ![image](

Oh I see. Well I'm not an ML expert either, so more captchas won't help me. This model solves like 80-90% of captchas (I didn't measure it, just a...

>You should try my slider algorithm here I will take a look at it but I think it's going to be very hard because the script is doing some additional...