**Describe the bug** Chrome and Edge not support multi-thread Try it out on the playground page and find that there is a problem with multithreading https://ffmpegwasm.netlify.app/playground/ According to the description...
### Describe the bug 1. Does not support h265 encoding. 2. Does not support 4K video encoding. ### Question 1 I am trying to do H265 encoding with the following...
虽然不知道是不是显卡型号不支持的原因... 在环境部署上面已经踩完一堆坑了,打开webUI还是没识别到显卡。有点吐血了。 感觉这些坑可以在文档里说明,文档里只说运行命令python3.8以上。其他都没有说。 python版本3.8-3.10 pip版本小于24.1 安装Microsoft Visual C++ BuildTools 总之这些是在安装时遇到的坑 文档说是python3.8以上,开始安装了3.12,有东西装不上。 后来手贱升级pip,又有东西装不上。 Building wheels,Build不起来了,要求Microsoft Visual C++ BuildTools,这东西一装又是6个G