Justin Beckwith
Justin Beckwith
👋 I am on GitHub most days for work, but do not actively do much on this library. We ended up going a [different direction](https://github.com/googleapis/gaxios/) for our retries & HTTP,...
Greetings! Can you share a complete code example that does this? We have tests specifically covering number of retries, so an isolated example of how to break it would be...
Sweet. Could I trouble anyone to try it and take a look?
Great idea! If we were to do this, I think I'd do something like a `retriesRemaining` property.
Love the idea! Happy to take a pull request if you're interested in having a crack at it :)
Greetings! What have you tried? Did you run into specific issues? I don't use Jest, so this isn't something I'm likely to dig into :)
Greetings! It should be able to handle multiple retries, and retries across requests. Can you share what you've tried? Maybe share your code, and what you're seeing?
Greetings! Not something I've had time to look into, apologies.
👋 absolutely! Would love PRs, especially ones that come with tests so I can really understand what was going wrong :)
👋 Saying "have you read this" is kind of being a turd - please don't be a turd. There were some changes here recently which may have resolved the issue....