Kernel copied to clipboard
I'm completely insane now, I am writing my own kernel to learn how low-level hardware programming works.
Bnyeh Kernel
I'm completely insane now, I am writing my own kernel to learn how low-level hardware programming works.
The goal of the kernel (for the moment) is to get a user-space setup with a small N64 emulator and having enough APIs to run and play the games. This is both to teach me how to write a use for a kernel as well as writing an emulator.
I need/want to learn low-level hardware development so I can possibly contribute to the linux kernel. I also want to try and use C/assembly in a kernel space with full control over the hardware and how it operates.
Current State
This is just a small list of all the working and non-working things. See the TODO.txt file for what needs to be done (and will likely not be working).
Working or completed
Basic VGA Display - Completed
Full VGA color terminal with printf-like functions
Color logo prints to screen
Printing string/characters different colors works
Memory - Completed
Paging works
Basic heap allocations
kalloc and kfree are available
Everything is ready for Multi-tasking and scheduling of user space processes.
Need to get length of memory, not sure how to go about this yet currently it allocates until a CPU exception happens.
Disk - WIP
Some code for PATA has been written
kernel otherwise has no clue what a hard drive is
FAT32 support with MBR/GPT planned.
Keyboard - WIP
Left and Right shift keys work
caps lock key works
caps lock + shift behavior works
Upper and lower case prints to terminal
Only prints to terminal, causes no other actions (yet)
Time - Completed
Gets the current CMOS time
Continues counting seconds from Unix EPOCH
localtime_r() and similar functions calculate off my timezone (UTC+7) so timezones are incomplete.
Multi-tasking and Userland! - WIP
Memory management in place for user processes
Some syscall stuff has been made
Fully working C environment
- Getting length of memory installed in the system
- Booting in a bootloader other than grub2
- netbooting
- real hardware testing
- other architectures (such as amd64 and arm)
- driver api
CMake will automatically try and use Clang over GCC because Clang is easier to debug with and produces binaries faster than GCC (plus it's my favorite compiler).
If you don't have clang then CMake should default to the system compiler but if it doesn't then please file a bug.
To compile with gcc:
- run
mkdir build
cd build
make iso
This will build the kernel and make an iso file located as Kernel.bin and Kernel.iso in the root of the build directory.
Note: You can change the build directory to be anywhere on the computer, see CMake's website for that.
To compile with clang:
Install clang from your distro's package manager
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make iso
This will build the kernel with clang. CMake will automatically pick the right settings for cross-compilation to i386 processors.