Results 33 comments of JustOff

You probably forced e10s on, unfortunately CAA can't run in this mode for now.

I'll try to get it work with e10s, but at the moment it's obviously not my top priority.

It seems this is Waterfox-specific feature, patches to run CAA in non-e10 window are welcome.

That is not a good workaround; please don't share it. Check [CAA 1.2.1b1](, which tries to run in a non-e10s window.

The problem here is that Waterfox does not restore the non-e10s status of the windows after restart, so they become unsuitable for `caa:` scheme. This is pretty sad and now...

Please try [CAA 1.2.1b3](

> I could get only the modal dialogue, with its insistence upon disabling multi-process. This modal dialog is called from the block `if (mode == e10s && appname != "Waterfox")`;...

Then I absolutely don't understand how you can see *"Multi-process mode is not supported"* in 1.2.1b1-b3 :panda_face:

@grahamperrin, if you can still reproduce the issue with *"Multi-process mode is not supported"* is displayed, please email me a copy of the test profile where it's observed (you can...

This drives me crazy, `2+2=5` :anguished: Here is [CAA 1.2.1b4](, which displays appname instead of "the browser" in the modal dialogue: ``` if (e10s && != "Waterfox") { Services.prompt.alert(null,...