react-google-maps-api copied to clipboard
change markerF icon on click
Please provide an explanation of the issue
i created a markerF component with custom icon path i want to change the color and scale when we click on it so i created a state that changes on click the state changes succefully and the component rerenders correctly too but the icon on the map does not change
Your Environment
os: windows
node v18.16.1
react 18
nextjs 13.4.13
@react-google-maps/api 2.19.2
How does it behave?
only shows the icon of the initial state
How should it behave correctly?
when we click on the marker the icon should change depending on the parameters (color,scale...)
Basic implementation of incorrect behavior
const Marker = ({ position, children, onClick }: MarkerProps) => {
const [iconOption, setIconOptions] = useState<{
scale: number;
color: string;
}>({ scale: 1.5, color: });
const iconPath =
"M 12 2 C 8.1 2 5 5.1 5 9 c 0 5.3 7 13 7 13 s 7 -7.8 7 -13 c 0 -3.9 -3.1 -7 -7 -7 z M 7 9 c 0 -2.8 2.2 -5 5 -5 s 5 2.2 5 5 c 0 2.9 -2.9 7.2 -5
9.9 C 9.9 16.2 7 11.8 7 9 z M 10 9 C 10 8 11 7 12 7 C 13 7 14 8 14 9 C 14 10 13 11 12 11 C 11 11 10 10 10 9 M 12 7";
const handleClick = (event: any) => {
setIconOptions({ scale: 1.8, color: theme.palette.primary.main });
return (<MarkerF
onClick={(e) => {
strokeColor: "transparent",
fillColor: iconOption.color,
path: iconPath,
fillOpacity: 1,
scale: iconOption.scale,