react-google-maps-api copied to clipboard
Unhandled Runtime Error InvalidValueError: in property origin: not a string; and not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: not an Object; and not an Object
Hi I am using nextjs, while using the directionservice , even though I am getting the direction with the route drawn but I am getting the following error
Unhandled Runtime Error InvalidValueError: in property origin: not a string; and not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: not an Object; and not an Object
I have searched for other error on SO - and converted the lat/lng into ParseFloat/Numbers - it does not seems to help get rid of this error
Sorry for my ignorance as I am submitting for the first time - I am unable to format the full code into codeblock
` import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react" import { GoogleMap, useLoadScript, Marker, InfoWindow, DirectionsService, DirectionsRenderer } from "@react-google-maps/api" import usePlacesAutocomplete, { getGeocode, getLatLng } from "use-places-autocomplete"; import { YOUR_API_KEY } from "../../action/type"; import Cookies from "universal-cookie"; import Link from "next/link" import mapStyles from "../../components/maps/mapStyles";
const libraries = ["places"]; const mapContainerStyle = { height: "100vh", width: "100vw", }; const options = { styles: mapStyles, disableDefaultUI: true, zoomControl: true, }; const center = { lat: 12.944510983311575, lng: 77.58750509580075, };
export default function Map10() { const cookies = new Cookies(); const { isLoaded, loadError } = useLoadScript({ googleMapsApiKey: YOUR_API_KEY, libraries, });
const [directionState, setdirectionState] = useState({
response: null,
travelMode: "DRIVING", origin: { lat: 12.9148979, lng: 77.6126707} ,destination: { lat: 12.9189841, lng: 77.5704496} ,
const directionsCallback = (response) => {
if (response !== null) {
if (response.status === "OK") {
setdirectionState({ response })
// () => ({response})
// )
} else {
console.log("response: ", response)
const checkDriving = ({ target: { checked } }) => {
checked &&
() => ({
travelMode: "DRIVING"
const checkBicycling = ({ target: { checked } }) => {
checked &&
() => ({
travelMode: "BICYCLING"
const checkTransit = ({ target: { checked } }) => {
checked &&
() => ({
travelMode: "TRANSIT"
const checkWalking = ({ target: { checked } }) => {
checked &&
() => ({
travelMode: "WALKING"
const getOrigin = (ref) => {
this.origin = ref
const getDestination = (ref) => {
this.destination = ref
const onClick = () => {
if (this.origin.value !== " && this.destination.value !== ") {
() => ({
origin: this.origin.value,
destination: this.destination.value
const onMapClick = (...args) => {
console.log("onClick args: ", args)
const handleFinishBooking = () => {
console.log("show confirm booking page");
const handleBooking = () => {
console.log("show confirm booking page");
const mapRef = React.useRef();
const onMapLoad = React.useCallback((map) => {
mapRef.current = map;
}, []);
if (loadError) return "Error";
if (!isLoaded) return "Loading...";
return (
<button className="btn btn-sm btn-info p1 m-1" onClick={handleBooking}>Book Now</button>
<Link href="/book" ><a className="btn btn-sm btn-info p1 m-1">Add More locations</a></Link>
{/* <Link href="/admin/print-vehicle-planning/"><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="btn btn-block btn-sm btn-outline-info"><AiFillPrinter /></a></Link> */}
// onClick={onMapClick}
// optional
onUnmount={map => {
console.log("DirectionsRenderer onUnmount map: ", map)
directionState.destination !== " &&
directionState.origin !== "
) && (
// required
options={{ // eslint-disable-line react-perf/jsx-no-new-object-as-prop
destination: directionState.destination,
origin: directionState.origin,
travelMode: directionState.travelMode,
// waypoints: DirectionsWaypoint,
// required
// optional
onLoad={directionsService => {
console.log("DirectionsService onLoad directionsService: ", directionsService)
// optional
onUnmount={directionsService => {
console.log("DirectionsService onUnmount directionsService: ", directionsService)
directionState.response !== null && (
// required
options={{ // eslint-disable-line react-perf/jsx-no-new-object-as-prop
directions: directionState.response
// optional
onLoad={directionsRenderer => {
console.log("DirectionsRenderer onLoad directionsRenderer: ", directionsRenderer)
// optional
onUnmount={directionsRenderer => {
console.log("DirectionsRenderer onUnmount directionsRenderer: ", directionsRenderer)
os: windows
node --version
react version -17
@react-google-maps/api version 2.20
please provide minimal reproduction in codesandbox