`------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: MauiLuaTest [18366] Path: /Users/USER/*/MauiLuaTest.app/Contents/MacOS/MauiLuaTest Identifier: com.companyname.mauiluatest Version: 1.0 (1) Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-01-20...
Create new MAUI .net 7 lib application Create new MAUI .net 7 Application Add reference lib to App Add Lua lib in App Build Error `------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report...
Try create clean one app without dll. Create Clear Maui .net7 App And NLua 1.6.3 Start Build - "file not found" Create clean app MAUI .net7 Add KeraLua Start Build...
So I go to folder and found /ClearMauiLuaApp.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblua54.framework/liblua54 But this part not created.... -_-" /Versions/A/ Now is request... it's error in lib or in maui, or need some actions in...
If copy /liblua54.framework/liblua54 to /liblua54.framework/Versions/A/liblua54 Application start correct, mb looking for KernLua for adding deploy path.
See KernLua and found CMake \KeraLua\external\lua\ios_build ` maccatalyst: ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/liblua54 ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/liblua54: xcodebuild -configuration Release -destination "platform=macOS,variant=Mac Catalyst" -project lua.maccatalyst.xcodeproj -scheme liblua54 SYMROOT=build_maccatalyst/ ditto ./build_maccatalyst/Release-maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/Versions/A/ ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/ ` If it build correct -...
> See KernLua and found CMake \KeraLua\external\lua\ios_build > > `maccatalyst: ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/liblua54 ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/liblua54: xcodebuild -configuration Release -destination "platform=macOS,variant=Mac Catalyst" -project lua.maccatalyst.xcodeproj -scheme liblua54 SYMROOT=build_maccatalyst/ ditto ./build_maccatalyst/Release-maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/Versions/A/ ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/` If it build correct...
Only one way to fix this by adding trigger to project. 1. Open .csproj 2. Add triggers to element ` ` This action after build application cope framework to correct...
All in all i think error in linking KernLua on (net7.0-ios and net7.0-maccatalyst targeting) When link native library it try to find it in "Versions/A" but in xcodebuild it copied...
So, i create forks for all products after modding Makefile with adding path \external\lua\ios_build file Makefile after line 26 add ditto ./build_maccatalyst/Release-maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/Versions/A/ ./maccatalyst/liblua54.framework/Versions/A/ it's work correctly. **Mb u can fix...