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URL links - DNS to hugo pages?
On publish date of Milestone 1.0, I would like to discuss (mostly internally at JB) what behaviour should be expected by our domain names.
URLs are often referenced verbally in the shows, and wonder if they should be redirected:
Current common URLs used in shows (not exhaustive):
- [ ] coder.show/475 - redirects to Fireside episode
- [ ] coder.show/contact - redirects to Coder-specific contact form
- [ ] jupiterbroadcasting.com/calendar - would necessarily change, already implemented
- [ ] https://linuxunplugged.com/mumble - prefer the hugo mumble page? https://github.com/JupiterBroadcasting/jupiterbroadcasting.com/pull/129
- [ ] https://linuxunplugged.com/subscribe
- [x] jblive.tv
- [ ] jblive.fm
- [ ] coder.show/matrix -> /community/matrix/ or to the appropriate matrix space (apply to all shows)
- .... more
My inclination:
- This is not entirely a Milestone 1.0 feature, and having some of these URLs redirect to Fireside is an acceptable behaviour, at present.
- Some minimal subset will need to be considered for repair/redirection as needed.
- If/when DNS changed, would this affect the scraper?
- how then would the Fireside sites be referenced? Perhaps