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A PyTorch implementation of Advantage weighted Actor-Critic (AWAC)

A PyTorch implementation of Advantage weighted Actor-Critic (AWAC)


  • Pytorch
  • gym
  • matplotlib

AWAC Class

AWAC class only supports discrete action space (Dec 30th, 2020)

(Disclaimer) I developed the codes in this repository based on the original AWAC paper. Hence, the code may contain not correct implementation of what the actual paper intended.

class AWAC(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 critic: nn.Module,  # Q(s,a)
                 critic_target: nn.Module,
                 actor: nn.Module,  # pi(a|s)
                 lam: float = 0.3,  # Lagrangian parameter
                 tau: float = 5 * 1e-3,
                 gamma: float = 0.9,
                 num_action_samples: int = 1,
                 critic_lr: float = 3 * 1e-4,
                 actor_lr: float = 3 * 1e-4,
                 use_adv: bool = False):
  • critic: State-action value function Q(s,a)
  • critic_target: the target network of Q(s,a)
  • actor: An discrete actor. Note that the output of actor is logit.
  • lam: Lagrangian parameter of the AWAC actor loss. Assume to be a strictly positive value.
  • tau: the Polyak parameter for updating the target network.
  • gamma: The discount factor of target MDP
  • num_action_samples: Number of action samples for updating critic.
  • critic_lr: Learning rate of critic
  • actor_lr: Learning rate of actor
  • use_adv: If True, use advantage value for updating actor. Else use Q(s,a) for updating actor.


You can find the running example of AWAC on gym cartpole-v1 environment from AWAC-example.ipynb.

Experiment Results

It is confirmed that AWAC can learn better policy than its behavior policy in offline mode.

Offline dataset preparation

  • Prepare the offline dataset by using a good enough DQN (well trained but with a 40% chance act randomly)
  • 50 independent cartpole-v1 trial were made.

slightly dumb DQN

  • The values on the x-axis show how long each episode was. (Longer is better)
  • The values on the y-axis indicate the frequency of the episode lengths.

Offline training

  • After training 8000 gradient steps with 1024 sized mini-batch, AWAC was able to learn a policy better than the one of good enough DQN.

offline AWAC

  • The blue distribution shows the performance distribution of the good enough DQN.
  • The orange distribution shows the performance distribution of the offline trained AWAC.

Online finetuning

  • After AWAC trained on 600 episode amount of online training, AWAC shows even better control performance. (offline trained AWAC + 600 ep online training)

offline AWAC

  • Moreover, the AWAC didn't show the 'dip', a phenomenon that indicates sudden performance drop right after online training

offline AWAC

  • The blue curve shows the performance of AWAC trained on the offline dataset only

  • The orange curve shows the performance of AWAC trained in online mode. i.e., the samples from replay memory would contain some amount of distributional shift.

  • Also confirmed that even we clear the memory right before start to online training, the AWAC still can learn well.