adaptive-multiresolution-DG copied to clipboard
Adaptive multiresolution discontinuous Galerkin C++ package
AdaM-DG (Adaptive Multiresolution DG)
AdaM-DG is an adaptive multiresolution sparse grid discontinuous Galerkin (DG) C++ package for solving partial differential equations in high dimensions.
For more details on the algorithm and package, see our paper:
- Adaptive collocation methods: Journal of Computational Physics
- Solving transport equations: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- Solving nonlinear conservation laws: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- Solving wave equations: Journal of Scientific Computing
- Solving Schrodinger equations: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation
- Solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations: Journal of Computational Physics
- Solving dispersive wave equations: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Documentation: ReadTheDocs
Build Requirement:
- Complier: GCC 9.3.0
- Dependency: Eigen
Run Example:
Compile and link all the program in the example directory:
Using this command, all the executable files will be generated in the bin directory and their symbolic link will be generated in the local home directory.
Run program generated by example/FileName.cpp:
make clean
Generate Doxygen documentation:
make doxygen
Project Stucture:
bin: The output objects executables go here, for the applications, examples and tests.
build: This folder contains all object files to generate the library, and is removed on a clean.
doc: Any documents including LaTeX files and also code documents are here; generated doxygen files are in the html subdirectory.
example: The source files for all the numerical examples.
include: All project header files. All necessary third-party header files that do not exist under /usr/local/include are also placed here.
lib: Any libs that get compiled by the project (currently the libsgdg shared library), third party or any needed in development.
source: The source files to generate the library.
deps: files of dependency, automatically generated by makefile; removed on a clean.
test: The source files for unit tests.
script: scripts including python code for plot