django-telegrambot copied to clipboard
Request for not found token : `bot_token`
First, I should thank you for your great app. In polling mode on my local machine the module works like charm. However when I use the web hook mode, sometimes I get the
Request for not found token : bot_token
error and no response is given by the bot. I didn't setup the cert file in my . I am using nginx with combination of gunicorn to serve my web app. The server os is ubuntu 16.04. Below is the settings I've used:
'MODE' : 'WEBHOOK', #(Optional [str]) # The default value is WEBHOOK,
# otherwise you may use 'POLLING'
# NB: if use polling you must provide to run
# a management command that starts a worker
'WEBHOOK_PREFIX' : '/telegram-bot/', # (Optional[str]) # If this value is specified,
# a prefix is added to webhook url
# 'WEBHOOK_CERTIFICATE' : '', # If your site use self-signed
#certificate, must be set with location of your public key
#certificate.(More info at )
'BOTS' : [
'TOKEN': 'bot_token', #Your bot token.
The thing that intrigues is the point that sometimes my bot works. Any advice to solve the issue is appreciated.
with some logging, I've found that in some requests that there is no response of the bot, the cls.bot_tokens is empty.
I found the problem. In gunicorn the number of workers were set to 3. Just one of them could have bot_tokens and two of them didn't have the tokens. When I set the number of workers to 1, everything is ok. Now the question is what should I do to get it to work with number of workers 3 in gunicorn.
Can you try to comment this line , please?
Yes, it solved the problem. What the line is for?!
It's a flag to prevent re-running code which should be executed exactly one time.
I have the same problem. The settings is:
'BOTS' : [
'TOKEN': 'botToken',
I commented the 126th line and restarted server. But problem still exist. Logging says that 'Not Found: /botToken/'. How can I solve the issue?
@JungDev @mrabedini Ok, that's what i found
This error is mainly caused by TelegramError (Flood control), which is caused by rapid setWebhook queries.
Perhaps, if bot.getWebhookInfo().url != hookurl: <set webhook>
check will help.
It seems that the problem still remains. When I use gunicorn with supervisor, I have the same issue. I tried to regenerate the issue with docker. Using gunicorn with --bind option and nginx serving the requests didn't have any problem. My next try would be to add supervisor to the simulation. However, as I mentioned earlier in the current comment, on the server I still have the problem.
This error raise with uWSGI too.
Looks like MR #10 fix this problem.
Agree with @aliaksandrmelnik, most commonly encountered issue is telegram.error.RetryAfter: Flood control exceeded. Retry in 1 seconds
@mrabedini Had the same problem with gunicorn. Setting --workers=1
@JungDev Is PR #8 going to be the only solution?