JulienDev - Malo
JulienDev - Malo
I've never used minidump before today, so I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly. I also generated a pdb file (though I'm uncertain if I did it correctly as...
Hi! Just tried your example with this URL, same result: https://storage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4 I see this error after like a minute : flutter: There was an issue loading the video player. flutter:...
Humm, I don't think so, I'm using the pubspec configuration from the readme: ``` # For iOS and Android better_player: ^0.0.83 # For Web video_player: ^2.4.4 chewie: ^1.3.3 # This...
Thank you for your answers :) Just tried on a non-M1 but got the same problem. I'll try to debug it in the coming weeks
Finally I'm not using it, but if I remember well it was working after I enabled incoming/outcoming connections for the Mac Os project
> @JulienDev Hello. Excuse me, which solution did you finally choose to play videos on Macos? Hello, I'm now using https://github.com/alexmercerind/media_kit
Limit, always limit :)
@jeremylcarter @bl1nch could you please try to initialize VideoController with one of these configurations? const configuration = VideoControllerConfiguration(vo: 'mediacodec_embed', hwdec: 'mediacodec'); OR const configuration = VideoControllerConfiguration(vo: 'gpu', hwdec: 'mediacodec'); videoController...
I'm using your solution in production since a few weeks, it works pretty well ❤️