Julian Kahnert
Julian Kahnert
In "steps to reproduce": How do you switch back to Tag in step 5? Are you using the edit button in the document view? A sheet might be a better...
You are right! The UX in this case is a little wonky. Do you have any ideas on how to improve it? I will try to step back and rethink...
I've got the same problem.
Hi @justusjonas74, sry for the late reply! Could you please download the App via [TestFlight](https://testflight.apple.com/join/BlJUHbT5) and start it again? I will receive a crash report after a TestFlight crash.
Hi @Maschina! Thank you SO much for investing the time to add this feature 🙂 I have a few comments on the changes. For example: all entitlements must be reversed...
Hi @Maschina, I have added all your changes and have fixed one minor issue when changes the storage quickly. The changes of this PR have only the entitlement changes. Since...
Hi @jollijumper, thanks for your feedback! 🙂 What kind of improvements would you like to see in the user interface of PDF Archiver? Do you have any suggestions for an...
Hi @Speedliner, You're absolutely right! The feature is already on my TODO list, but there is currently no time for such a big feature. If you are also interested in...
Hi @KarstenDE, that sounds awesome! 🙂 I would start by defining an abstract file handling layer, e.g. ‘FileManageable‘. Or maybe some package like this already exists and we can use...
Well ... someone has to implement and maintain this 🤓 It is on my TODO list and I will prioritize it but currently I can't give you an ETA. Until...