Julian Gojani
Julian Gojani
Did you try `/api/v2/app/stats` instead of only `/app/stats`?
There doesn't seem to be a maven version for this architecture which resulted into the container not building. There could be a way of making it possible but it is...
You could try copying the jar file out of the container on another machine and run it on the pi. Or you make an own Dockerfile with compatible images.
For these features like deletion, editing and so on you'll need to add a login (https://github.com/interaapps/pastefy#adding-login, [We made a detailed instruction for InteraApps Accounts](https://quotysco.eu/InteraApps/host-pastefy-yourself-with-interaapps-accounts-oauth2)). The copy-url button is only available...
I'm not really sure when this happens and why. I can set it up without problems and I see others getting it set up. Maybe you need to add "...
Maybe this one will help you: https://github.com/interaapps/pastefy/issues/46#issuecomment-1536968292
Did you set "/api/v2/auth/oauth2/google/callback" as redirect url and as trusted callback urls in googles developer console? I've never heard something about policies which force developers to have a specific redirection...
Adding qr codes would be simple. That's not the problem. The question is where to put a button for it in the already overloaded UI for a feature that only...