cljs-ajax copied to clipboard
simple asynchronous Ajax client for ClojureScript and Clojure
I need to be able to make requests to a server with an untrusted SSL cert. clj-http has this option: ``` (client/get "" {:insecure? true}) ```
The new release of re-natal (version 0.9) defaults to using `:target :nodejs` which seems incompatible with this code: ``` (def xmlhttprequest (if (= cljs.core/*target* "nodejs") (let [xmlhttprequest (.-XMLHttpRequest (js/require "xmlhttprequest"))]...
This code honors `:keywords? true`: ```clojure (POST url {:headers {:X-CSRFToken csrf-token} :params data :response-format :json :keywords? true :handler on-success :error-handler on-error}) ``` In order to support transit responses, I removed...
The XmlHttpRequest implementation has been solid for quite some time and the XhrIo code adds very little when you're running in modern browsers. It's time to switch. This will remove...
Hi. Thanks for cljs-ajax! What's the recommended way to wire up the `` event listening? When I've registered the handler on the returned xhrio request object: ```cljs (doto x (.setProgressEventsEnabled...
Does `cljs-ajax` support comet-style http streaming via chunked-encoding?
The following params: `{:a :x/y}` Yields a query string of "a=y", which is a breaking change from 0.5.8. I think it's better to include the namespace in the param values...
It would be good to get cljs-ajax added to
Similar to, but for the json-request-format. Instead of losing namespace `(clj->js {:a/b 123}) => #js {:b 123}` Keep it in the final key str. ``` (defn- nsq-keyword-fn [k] (let...
`detect-response-format` does not respect `:type` of sub `:response-format`. As you can see here the response type is set at creation not resolving the type of `response-format`. This can cause...