Julian Berman

Results 268 issues of Julian Berman

Once #28 is closed and we've added `referencing.to_cached_resource`, we'll change referencing's classifiers to mark it in Beta. It will stay in this state until some or all of: * it...


We need some generic mechanism for saying "I have a new `Specification`, it's like `DRAFT202012` but with a new keyword `foo`" and then allowing the new keyword `foo` to either...


This is needed downstream by implementations (`jsonschema`) who allow new dialect creation.


We should offer a resource bundler which implements the ["official JSON Schema bundling process"](https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html#name-bundling). Doing so shouldn't be too difficult on top of what's already here. Here's one from [json-schema-ref-parser](https://apitools.dev/json-schema-ref-parser/docs/ref-parser.html#bundleschema-options-callback),...


This is a potential performance enhancement / laziness enhancement -- we could stop crawling a registry when a particular URI of desire is found -- perhaps relatedly we could store...


This is useful for debugging what's in a registry -- show some unicode-box-drawing output which breaks down all the resources in the registry. Probably this should print URLs in some...

good first issue

This is probably a useful way to quickly save/load registries, usable by projects like [`jsonschema-specifications`](https://github.com/python-jsonschema/jsonschema-specifications/). A minor thing to decide is whether to automatically call `.crawl` when serializing or not.


Hi! (Thanks for the library). I believe the below isn't valid under the spec: ``` isoduration.parse_duration("P1") ``` which should be invalid, as it has no unit, but instead returns: ```...

- [x] Queue - [ ] HashTrieMap - [ ] HashTrieSet - [ ] List
