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Add a skipmissing argument to corkendall

Open PGS62 opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

With help from @nalimilan, back in February I contributed a re-write of corkendall that yielded quite useful speedups. (see this commit. But I need a version of corkendall that supports missing elements, which StatsBase.corkendall doesn't support at present. Hence my (public, but not registered) package KendallTau.

I would like to propose that corkendall in StatsBase be replaced by code copied from KendallTau, but I know that how best to handle missing values in StatsBase has been a topic of various discussions, including a more general approach than my proposal here so I'd like to know if a pull request on these lines might be accepted.

This is the approach I have taken:

  1. Defined types:
const RealOrMissingVector{T <: Real} = AbstractArray{<:Union{T, Missing},1}
const RealOrMissingMatrix{T <: Real} = AbstractArray{<:Union{T, Missing},2}
  1. written an auxiliary function skipmissingpairs that takes a pair of arguments each of one of the above two types and does the needful to implement both a "pairwise" and "complete" handling of missings, i.e. a return a pair of vectors\matrices with the missings (or rows containing missings) removed and also type narrowed to RealVector or RealMatrix.

  2. amended the methods of corkendall to have signatures such as:

function corkendall(X::Union{RealMatrix,RealOrMissingMatrix},

The proposed change would be non-breaking on existing code, which must be passing arguments of type RealVector and\or RealMatrix. Also when one or more of the arguments is of type RealOrMissing... then skipmissing defaults to :undefined thus forcing the user to decide whether :pairwise or :complete is the better approach for the data they have.

Other changes I have made:

  1. Slightly improved consistency with corspearman, for example errors when dimensions of arguments don't match now align between the two functions. Obviously this proposal will take corkendall "ahead" of corspearman, but I think it would be straightforward to make equivalent changes to corspearman, hopefully without code duplication.

  2. Some code refactoring that gives an approx 10% further speedup to corkendall, and approx 40% reduction in memory allocation. The trick was to reduce the number of calls to permute! in all but the vector-vector case.

  3. Amended the tests to test behaviour against missing values. I also have a test suite testing corkendall against corkendal_naive that, for simplicity, does not use Knight's algorithm. That gives confidence that results from corkendall are correct for a wide variety of argument types and values but I don't propose to port that test suite to StatsBase - it's too complicated.

Could a member of StatsBase let me know their thoughts?

PGS62 avatar Apr 20 '21 18:04 PGS62

Thanks for the proposal. I think we first need to find a solution for cor in Statistics. Then we'll just have to follow the same pattern in StatsBase. Unfortunately this issue is quite tricky...

nalimilan avatar Apr 20 '21 20:04 nalimilan

Starting from where I've got to, I think it would be fairly easy to create a function corgeneral with signature:

function corgeneral(fn::Function, X::Union{RealMatrix,RealOrMissingMatrix},

where fn is any function that takes two RealVectors and returns a Float64. So it would apply for cor, corkendall, corspearman or other correlations such as those described here. Possibly, there could be one additional argument, maybe sortfirst::Bool which could implement the "sort outside the loop" trick that I used to speedup corkendall, or more generally a applythisfunctionoutsidetheloop::Function argument.

corgeneral could either be documented and exported from StatsBase or else be an internal function used to give corspearman, corkendall etc. the capability to handle missings in both :pairwise and :complete style (or both exported and used...).

What I'm not sure about is whether such a solution could live in StatsBase, or whether it would have to be in Statistics, which is perhaps lower in the hierarchy. Can two packages call functions from one another in Julia?

Could something along these lines serve as the solution you are looking for?

PGS62 avatar Apr 21 '21 08:04 PGS62

The problem is not so much the internal implementation. It's rather whether we want to add a skipmissing argument (which currently doesn't exist anywhere in Base nor Statistics) or whether we can use a wrapper like skipmissings.

nalimilan avatar Apr 21 '21 09:04 nalimilan

OK I understand. So I had a go at creating a method of my skipmissingpairs function that does what you're after, or at least it does if I've understood the problem correctly.

To be explicit, given a function fn (example: StatsBase.corkendall) skipmissingpairs returns a function with the five methods we need (Matrix, Matrix-Matrix, Vector-Matrix, etc) that does exactly what we are after, i.e. pair-wise skipping of missing elements and calling fn as the correlation aka reduction function.

I've tested it lightly and it does appear to work but I've not done any performance testing at all (it certainly sacrifices the trick to speedup corkendall).

julia> x = [missing;1;2;5;4;missing];

julia> y = [1;3;missing;2;3;6];

julia> hcat(x,y)
6×2 Matrix{Union{Missing, Int64}}:
  missing  1
 1         3
 2          missing
 5         2
 4         3
  missing  6

julia> KendallTau.skipmissingpairs(StatsBase.corkendall)(x,y)

julia> StatsBase.corkendall([1;5;4],[3;2;3])

Apart from the definition of RealOrMissingVector and RealOrMissingMatrix, all the code is in this one file.

PGS62 avatar Apr 21 '21 18:04 PGS62

I've simplified the code quite a bit and renamed the function to skipmissingpairwise (longer name but clearer I hope).

and it's now in a different file: skipmissingpairwise.jl

PGS62 avatar Apr 22 '21 08:04 PGS62

Following #627 I think this issue should be closed. I'll open a new issue suggesting how to get pairwise to play nice with corkendall and corspearman.

PGS62 avatar Jan 09 '23 18:01 PGS62