Metis.jl copied to clipboard
Update Metis.graph to support only one triangle of a sparse Hermitian matrix
We could add a keyword argument view
in the following routine:
Metis.graph(G::SparseMatrixCSC; check_hermitian=true)
such that the new signature is
Metis.graph(G::SparseMatrixCSC; check_hermitian=true; view='F')
With this modification, we can handle the cases where only the lower or upper triangle part of G
is stored.
function graph(G::SparseMatrixCSC; weights::Bool=false, check_hermitian::Bool=true; view::Char='F')
(view == 'L') || (view == 'U') || (view == 'F') || throw(ArgumentError("The view $view is not supported."))
if check_hermitian && view == 'F'
ishermitian(G) || throw(ArgumentError("matrix must be Hermitian"))
if view == 'L'
elseif view == 'U'
N = size(G, 1)
xadj = Vector{idx_t}(undef, N+1)
xadj[1] = 1
adjncy = Vector{idx_t}(undef, nnz(G))
vwgt = C_NULL # TODO: Vertex weights could be passed as input argument
adjwgt = weights ? Vector{idx_t}(undef, nnz(G)) : C_NULL
adjncy_i = 0
@inbounds for j in 1:N
n_rows = 0
for k in G.colptr[j] : (G.colptr[j+1] - 1)
i = G.rowval[k]
i == j && continue # skip self edges
n_rows += 1
adjncy_i += 1
adjncy[adjncy_i] = i
if weights
adjwgt[adjncy_i] = G.nzval[k]
xadj[j+1] = xadj[j] + n_rows
resize!(adjncy, adjncy_i)
weights && resize!(adjwgt, adjncy_i)
return Graph(idx_t(N), xadj, adjncy, vwgt, adjwgt)
cc @frapac @sshin23
Metis still needs the full graph right? Why not use the existing Hermitian
wrapper from LinearAlgebra
instead of the view
I checked a little bit and it seems that Metis always need the full graph.
The issue with the wrapper Hermitian
is that both triangles can be also stored so we must be careful if we rely on A.uplo
We can use the wrapper, but we must verify and discard the values that potentially belong to the other triangle.
What do you mean? If someone is passing Hermitian we should only consider the one half (even if the other one is stored, it should be ignored).
Yes, you answered before that I modified my last message. After we can also add a dispatch like that:
Metis.graph(G::Hermitian{<:All, <:SparseMatrixCSC}) = Metis.graph(; check_hermitian=false; view=G.uplo)
What I mean is, what would view
bring that you couldn't do with Hermitian
We could do everything with Hermitian
In our optimization solver, we just don't wrap the matrix with Hermitian
, so it was great for us to also have a Julia function without the wrapper.