Seaborn.jl copied to clipboard
Julia wrapper for Seaborn
The `key not found` error occurs when I _call_ any function in Seaborn.jl, which is quite weird. ```julia julia> using Seaborn julia> Seaborn.load_dataset load_dataset (generic function with 1 method) julia>...
Doing the following, ``` using Pandas using Seaborn df = Pandas.DataFrame(Dict("a" => [12,3,14,8,7,9], "b"=> [120,33,714,.8,887,99])) g = Seaborn.PairGrid(df) g.map_diag(Seaborn.kdeplot) ``` Leads to this error, ``` ERROR: PyError ($(Expr(:escape, :(ccall(#= /Users/traj/.julia/packages/PyCall/l64G5/src/pyfncall.jl:43...
System: Julia 1.2.0 on Jupyter, Julia 1.10 on my other laptop has the same issue. ``` using PyPlot, Plots using CSV, DataFrames using Seaborn; sns = Seaborn; df ="Pokemon.csv",...