PlutoSliderServer.jl copied to clipboard
Error when `export_directory` or `export_notebook` fails
Is there a way to know if some cells failed while running export_notebook
or export_directory
When running PlutoSliderServer.jl on CI, it would be good to know if the build worked or not
btw PlutoStaticHTML.jl already support this. I am not sure how easily the same solution can be integrated here though..
For what it's worth I have written my own small printing function that shows which notebooks failed and with which errors:
Given a selection of notebooks, check individually for each notebook if there are
any cells that errored.
If it is the case print out, for each notebook, the content of the failing cells
and the output messages.
function check_for_failed_notebooks(result::NamedTuple)
failed_notebooks = Dict{String, Vector}()
# notebook session is a `NotebookSession` from PlutoSliderServer.jl.
for notebook_session in result.notebook_sessions
# Check for every notebook that no cell errored.
# State is a large JSON style `Dict` containing all the informations about the ran notebook.
# You can find the definition in Pluto.jl/src/webserver/Dynamic.jl/notebook_to_js.
state =
errored_cells = findall(cell -> cell["errored"], state["cell_results"])
isempty(errored_cells) && continue
failed_notebooks[notebook_session.path] = [
(input = state["cell_inputs"][id]["code"], output = state["cell_results"][id]["output"]["body"][:msg]) for
id in sort(errored_cells; by = id -> findfirst(==(id), state["cell_order"]))
if !isempty(failed_notebooks)
io = IOBuffer()
for (key, cells) in pairs(failed_notebooks)
printstyled(IOContext(io, :color => true), "$key:\n"; bold = true, color = :green, underline = true)
for (input, output) in cells
printstyled(IOContext(io, :color => true), "• $input"; color = :blue)
print(io, " => ")
printstyled(IOContext(io, :color => true), "$output\n"; color = :red)
error_msgs = String(take!(io))
"The following Pluto notebook",
length(failed_notebooks) > 1 ? "s" : "",
" failed to run successfully: $(keys(failed_notebooks))\n\n",
This is to be passed to export_directory
as the on_ready