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Alternative Corner Plot?
I'm afraid I really don't like the format of cornerplot
when plotting the outputs of MCMC simulations. Normally I don't care so much about the correlation coefficient of my samples (and I certainly don't want to color the scatterplots by correlation coefficient); ideally, I would like to show both some estimate of the 2D density in the off-diagonal grid squares and also show the samples (as a sanity check of the density estimate).
The code below implements something like what I prefer---is there a way to slip this recipe into StatsPlots.jl
, perhaps with a name that is better than alternativecornerplot
;)? If others are interested, I'd be happy to file a formal pull request---my personal preference would be just to replace the existing cornerplot
recipe, but of course I understand that there may be reluctance to make such a dramatic change. Any suggestions for good names?
The code:
using KernelDensity
using Plots
using StatsPlots
@userplot CornerPlot
@recipe function f(cp::CornerPlot)
m = cp.args[1]
nl = get(plotattributes, :levels, 10)
N = size(m, 1)
labs = pop!(plotattributes, :label, ["x$i" for i=1:N])
if labs!=[""] && length(labs)!=N
error("Number of labels not identical to number of datasets")
legend := false
layout := (N,N)
for i in 1:N
# Do the diagonals
@series begin
subplot := i + (i-1)*N
seriestype := :density
xlims := (minimum(m[i]), maximum(m[i]))
ylims := (0, Inf)
xguide := labs[i]
x := m[i]
for i in 1:N
for j in 1:(i-1)
# Do the kdeplots
k = kde((m[j], m[i]))
dv = vec(k.density)
inds = reverse(sortperm(dv))
cd = cumsum(dv[inds])
C = cd[end]
levels = []
for i in 1:nl
f = i/(nl+1)
cf = f*C
ind = searchsortedfirst(cd, cf)
push!(levels, dv[inds[ind]])
levels = reverse(levels)
@series begin
seriestype := :contour
subplot := (i-1)*N + j
seriescolor --> :viridis
x := k.x
y := k.x
z := permutedims(k.density)
levels := levels
xlims := (minimum(m[j]), maximum(m[j]))
ylims := (minimum(m[i]), maximum(m[i]))
xguide := labs[j]
yguide := labs[i]
k.x, k.y, permutedims(k.density)
for i in 1:N
for j in (i+1):N
# Do the scatterplots
@series begin
seriestype := scatter
subplot := (i-1)*N + j
x := m[j]
y := m[i]
markersize --> 0.1
xlims := (minimum(m[j]), maximum(m[j]))
ylims := (minimum(m[i]), maximum(m[i]))
xguide := labs[j]
yguide := labs[i]
m[j], m[i]
Usage: obtain an MCMC chain, and then
@df trace cornerplot([:a, :b, :c], label=[L"a", L"b", L"c"], size=(1000, 1000))
will produce
I am coming from seaborn
and am also accustomed to using these sorts of plots (via PairGrid).
That's very neat, thanks! With the existing corner plot I'm also irritated by the line and the coloring.
Maybe single corner recipe with more options instead of multiple alternative recipes is the better the way to go.
A 2d-histogram could be an alternative for the density, but that's only a personal preference.
One of the nice things about seaborn
's PairGrid is that you can customize the upper triangle, diagonal, and lower triangle plots to be whatever you like (e.g. histogram, scatter, kde, etc.).
Both ArviZPlots.jl and CornerPlot.jl do something similar to this. It probably would be good to offer this alternative layout using keyword arguments.