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SOS constraints for Bonmin?
Please see this thread:
SOS constraints should be allowed with Bonmins branch and bound algorithm.
When I try to implement the following model:
using CoinOptServices
m = Model(solver=OsilBonminSolver())
@variable(m, B[1:p])
@variable(m, G[1:p], Bin)
@variable(m, Z[1:p], Bin)
for i=1:p
addSOS1(m, [B[i],Z[i]])
@constraint(m, Z .== 1 .-G )
@constraint(m, sum(G[j] for j=1:p) <= 3)
@NLobjective(m, Min, sum((Y[i]-sum( X[i,j]*B[j] for j=1:p))^2 for i=1:n))
I get the following error
julia> solve(m)
ERROR: Not implemented for SOS constraints
[1] constraintbounds(::JuMP.Model, ::JuMP.ProblemTraits) at /home/michael/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:1033
[2] _buildInternalModel_nlp(::JuMP.Model, ::JuMP.ProblemTraits) at /home/michael/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/nlp.jl:1243
[3] #build#119(::Bool, ::Bool, ::JuMP.ProblemTraits, ::Function, ::JuMP.Model) at /home/michael/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:303
[4] (::JuMP.#kw##build)(::Array{Any,1}, ::JuMP.#build, ::JuMP.Model) at ./<missing>:0
[5] #solve#116(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::JuMP.Model) at /home/michael/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:168
[6] solve(::JuMP.Model) at /home/michael/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:150
[7] macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:97 [inlined]
[8] (::Base.REPL.##1#2{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:73
Are sos constraints included in the osil spec? I can't remember if I tried connecting them here. Maybe try hand writing a trivial tiny problem with sos constraints in osil format and see if it can work through OSSolverService?