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Bounds on parameters in Nelder-Mead
Hi, thank you for the package. I am confused about how to put bounds on parameters using Nelder-Mead. Could you please let me know which is the correct approach? Thank you.
lower = [-1.0, -1.0]
upper = [1.0, 1.0]
initial_x = [0.0, 0.0]
# First Approach
res = Optim.optimize(f, lower, upper, initial_x, Fminbox(NelderMead()), Optim.Options(show_trace = true))
# Second Approach
res = Optim.optimize(f, lower, upper, initial_x, NelderMead(), Optim.Options(show_trace = true))
# Third Approach
res = Optim.optimize(f, initial_x, NelderMead(lower = lower, upper = upper), Optim.Options(show_trace = true))
Did you try them out? Did any work? :) I'm not sure I understand the question, sorry.
I am having the same problem. A minimum working example:
f(x) = (x[1] - 2.0)^2 + (x[2] - 1.0)^2 + 1.0
res = optimize(f, [0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 3.0], [2.9, 2.9], Fminbox(NelderMead()))
println(res.minimum) # Prints 10.250625
println(res.minimizer) # Prints [4.375, 2.9]
The solution should be approx. [2.0, 1.0], and all less than 3.0. But optimize returns a value outside the bounded box and it is not even a local minimum.
This is still an issue in v1.7.1, here's the same example with trace on. What jumps out to me is the negative 'distance from box'. I don't see a specific test for Fminbox to compare against.
f(x) = (x[1] - 2.0)^2 + (x[2] - 1.0)^2 + 1.0
res = optimize(f, [0.0, 0.0], [3.0, 3.0], [2.9, 2.9], Fminbox(NelderMead()), Optim.Options(store_trace=true, show_trace=true))
println(res.minimum) # Prints 10.250625
println(res.minimizer) # Prints [4.375, 2.9]
Initial mu = 0.000270667
Fminbox iteration 1
Calling inner optimizer with mu = 0.000270667
(numbers below include barrier contribution)
Iter Function value √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n
------ -------------- --------------
0 5.420000e+00 NaN
* time: 0.02844095230102539
Exiting inner optimizer with x = [4.375, 2.9]
Current distance to box: -1.375
Decreasing barrier term μ.
Fminbox iteration 2
Calling inner optimizer with mu = 2.70667e-7
(numbers below include barrier contribution)
Iter Function value √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n
------ -------------- --------------
0 5.420000e+00 NaN
* time: 1.4066696166992188e-5
Exiting inner optimizer with x = [4.375, 2.9]
Current distance to box: -1.375
Decreasing barrier term μ.
[4.375, 2.9]
I also encountered this issue. Are there any plans to fix this problem?
Hi, I receive the same output as @bc0n when I run their MWE. Is there a fix or workaround to this issue?
julia> Pkg.status()
Status `~/Documents/julia/Fminbox_MWE/Project.toml`
[429524aa] Optim v1.7.8
julia> VERSION
Program Output
Initial mu = 0.000270667
Fminbox iteration 1
Calling inner optimizer with mu = 0.000270667
(numbers below include barrier contribution)
Iter Function value √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n
------ -------------- --------------
0 5.420000e+00 NaN
* time: 0.026376962661743164
Exiting inner optimizer with x = [4.375, 2.9]
Current distance to box: -1.375
Decreasing barrier term μ.
Fminbox iteration 2
Calling inner optimizer with mu = 2.70667e-7
(numbers below include barrier contribution)
Iter Function value √(Σ(yᵢ-ȳ)²)/n
------ -------------- --------------
0 5.420000e+00 NaN
* time: 2.002716064453125e-5
Exiting inner optimizer with x = [4.375, 2.9]
Current distance to box: -1.375
Decreasing barrier term μ.
[4.375, 2.9]