LineSearches.jl copied to clipboard
Line search methods for optimization and root-finding
`secant2` calls `update`, and `update` might switch to bisection in the U3 step (as named in the initial HZ publication). If we did bisect, the line-search "are we making enough...
There is a small mistake in `BackTracking.jl` when computing `α_tmp` with the cubic interpolation: when the leading coefficient is close to zero, the expression of `α_tmp` misses a negative sign,...
I've encountered a weird issue with alpha value selection in Hager-Zhang. Let me illustrate. Here are the values computed during bracketing: ```julia alphas = [0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.11797881082031754, 0.05898940541015877,...
I am using `LineSearches` in one of my packages – and just to be able to write something generic an abstract linesearch type for all linesearch structs would be great....
I have implemented a line search method based on majorize-minimize (MM) principles for cost functions of the form $f(x) = \sum_j f_j(A_j x)$ where each $f_j$ has a Lipschitz gradient...
Hello, Thank you for all your work! I was wondering why in the docstring of the strong wolfe linesearch the authors say the following. ``` This algorithm is mostly of...
I found a case where the ConjugateGradient method of Optim.jl terminates early, at a non-stationary point, without raising an error. After some digging, the problem seems associated with LineSearches. I...
This may cause problems of its own, but for the time being it's better than the status quo. Fixes #173 Closes #174 Fixes #175 I am pretty sure that without...
I am doing a few readability improvememts of this package and will try to refactor StrongWolfe and work off the Todos that are still in the code. This is the...
This is implicit in #81, but just to document it: ```julia julia> using LineSearches, Optim julia> f(x) = sum(abs2, x) f (generic function with 1 method) julia> optimize(f, [0.5], [1.5],...