LineSearches.jl copied to clipboard
Line search methods for optimization and root-finding
For a line search of a line a warning is printed which is not desirable: `Optim.optimize(xs -> xs[1], [0.0], [1.0], [nextfloat(0.0)], Optim.Fminbox(Optim.BFGS()))` The warning: ``` ┌ Warning: Failed to achieve...
Hi, I have seen, that this issue has come up before, but since this was some time ago I thought it might be helpful to start another issue: I am...
This line is raising an `AssertionError` in my code. ```jl AssertionError: isfinite(phi_d) && isfinite(gphi) Stacktrace: [1] bisect!(ϕdϕ::LineSearches.var"#ϕdϕ#6"{Optim.ManifoldObjective{OnceDifferentiable{Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}, alphas::Vector{Float64}, values::Vector{Float64}, slopes::Vector{Float64}, ia::Int64, ib::Int64, phi_lim::Float64, display::Int64)...
While doing a benchmark for Julia vs Python in, I have found scipy.optimize's `dcsrch` (so I use PyCall to do scipy.optimize.minimize on a Julia model) to be faster than...
Hi, I am running LBFGS optimization algorithm with MoreThuente linesearch algorithm. I track the execution of the algorithm by damping the output of the trace into the terminal. In some...
Specifically, all the links on [this page]( link to with the last bit changing occasionally. I clicked on Edit on GitHub, but it appears the docs were created with...
Here's a reproduction along with the error message:
We should create documentation, or at the very least explain the input and output structure for the linesearch algorithms.
Hey, I'm the author of [MultiFloats.jl](, a new Julia package for extended precision arithmetic. I'd like to make my `MultiFloat{T,N}` type compatible with Optim.jl, but unfortunately I don't have an...