LearnHartreeFock.jl copied to clipboard
Do you use the simulation cell to generate the .dat?
Hi! Great project! I have a question: do you use the simulation cell to generate the data file? I didn't what the utility of the simulation cell here.
Thanks for your interest!
So I think your question is referring to the cell
line in the input file:
#Hydrogen molecule
#Angstroms cell 10.0 10.0 10.0 natoms 2 #Atoms Z ,x , y, z in Angstroms positions 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 & 1 4.4 0.00 0.00 #Basis definition basistype 6-31 basisfile ../../examples/basissets/H.6-31G.mod
So this is there because I initially intended to extend the code to enable various transformations and allow for periodic systems. I never got around to this, and so it adds no utility.
Thank you for your reply, @stefanbringuier . I was talking about the type: SystemOfAtoms
struct SystemOfAtoms
function SystemOfAtoms(natoms=1,
if natoms < 0
error("Simulation cell cannot have negative atoms.")
if size(cell) != (3,3)
error("Simulation cell is not a 3x3 array.")
if typeof(atoms) != Array{Atom,1}
error("Atomic entries are not of the typeof() == Atom.")
end #SystemOfAtoms
I didn't get why have you used it @stefanbringuier
Any updates, @stefanbringuier ?
@Leticia-maria so the cell
field in SystemOfAtoms
is not used, but the idea was that if the code base get's extended to allow for various transformations of the simulation, the cell info will be required. In addition if support is added for planewave basis the cel
l with periodic boundary conditions provides numerical conveniences.