OpenAIGym.jl copied to clipboard
OpenAI's Gym binding for Julia
This package is deprecated.
Author: Thomas Breloff (@tbreloff)
This wraps the open source python library gym
, released by OpenAI.
See their website for more information.
Collaboration welcome!
Install gym
First install gym
. If you use Python on your system, and wish to use the same installation of gym in both Python and Julia, follow the system-wide instructions. If you only need gym
within Julia, follow the Julia-specific instructions.
System-wide Python
Install gym into Python, following the instructions here.
In Julia, ensure that the Python environment variable points to the correct executable, and build PyCall:
julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = "... path of the python executable ..." julia> # ENV["PYTHON"] = "C:\\Python37-x64\\python.exe" # example for Windows julia> # ENV["PYTHON"] = "/usr/bin/python3.7" # example for *nix/Mac julia>"PyCall")
Finally, re-launch Julia.
Julia-specific Python
Julia also has its own miniconda installation of Python, via Conda.jl:
using Pkg Pkg.add("PyCall") withenv("PYTHON" => "") do"PyCall") end
then install gym from the command line:
~/.julia/conda/3/bin/pip install 'gym[all]==0.11.0'
We only test with gym v0.11.0 at this moment.
Install OpenAIGym.jl
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("")
Hello world!
using OpenAIGym
env = GymEnv(:CartPole, :v0)
for i ∈ 1:20
T = 0
R = run_episode(env, RandomPolicy()) do (s, a, r, s′)
T += 1
@info("Episode $i finished after $T steps. Total reward: $R")
(The ′
character is a prime; if using the REPL, type \prime
.) If everything works you should see output like this:
[ Info: Episode 1 finished after 10 steps. Total reward: 10.0
[ Info: Episode 2 finished after 46 steps. Total reward: 46.0
[ Info: Episode 3 finished after 14 steps. Total reward: 14.0
[ Info: Episode 4 finished after 19 steps. Total reward: 19.0
[ Info: Episode 5 finished after 15 steps. Total reward: 15.0
[ Info: Episode 6 finished after 32 steps. Total reward: 32.0
[ Info: Episode 7 finished after 36 steps. Total reward: 36.0
[ Info: Episode 8 finished after 13 steps. Total reward: 13.0
[ Info: Episode 9 finished after 62 steps. Total reward: 62.0
[ Info: Episode 10 finished after 14 steps. Total reward: 14.0
[ Info: Episode 11 finished after 14 steps. Total reward: 14.0
[ Info: Episode 12 finished after 28 steps. Total reward: 28.0
[ Info: Episode 13 finished after 21 steps. Total reward: 21.0
[ Info: Episode 14 finished after 15 steps. Total reward: 15.0
[ Info: Episode 15 finished after 12 steps. Total reward: 12.0
[ Info: Episode 16 finished after 20 steps. Total reward: 20.0
[ Info: Episode 17 finished after 19 steps. Total reward: 19.0
[ Info: Episode 18 finished after 17 steps. Total reward: 17.0
[ Info: Episode 19 finished after 35 steps. Total reward: 35.0
[ Info: Episode 20 finished after 23 steps. Total reward: 23.0
Note: this is equivalent to the python code:
import gym
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
for i_episode in xrange(20):
total_reward = 0.0
observation = env.reset()
for t in xrange(100):
# env.render()
# print observation
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
total_reward += reward
if done:
print "Episode {} finished after {} timesteps. Total reward: {}".format(i_episode, t+1, total_reward)
We're using the RandomPolicy
from Reinforce.jl. To do something better, you can create your own policy simply by implementing the action
method, which takes a reward, a state, and an action set, then returns an action selection:
type RandomPolicy <: AbstractPolicy end
Reinforce.action(policy::AbstractPolicy, r, s, A) = rand(A)
Note: You can override default behavior of in the run_episode
Just iterate yourself:
ep = Episode(env, policy)
for (s, a, r, s′) in ep
# do something special?
R = ep.total_reward
N = ep.niter