juliaup copied to clipboard
Terminal only installs and recognizes "julia-release", instead of "julia" and "juliaup"
- Output of 'versioninfo()' is:
Julia Version 1.9.2
Commit e4ee485e909 (2023-07-05 09:39 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
CPU: 80 × Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, skylake-avx512)
Threads: 1 on 80 virtual cores
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /opt2/software/hdf5/1.10.4/lib
- How I installed Julia is below (and a list of steps of what I did):
I did this from the "/home/[MyUser]" directory of the terminal.
First, I did "rm -rf .julia" which entirely removes the ".julia" folder (which itself contained a "juliaup" folder).
Then, I did " curl -fsSL https://install.julialang.org | sh " During this installation, I customized it. The only thing I changed from the default customization was that I answered "Yes" to "Do you want to add channel specific symlinks?". My answer to "Enter the folder where you want to install Juliaup" was the default answer ("· /home/MyUser/.juliaup")
I get this error:
Now installing Juliaup
Installing Julia 1.9.2+0.x64.linux.gnu
Creating symlink julia-release for Julia 1.9.2+0.x64.linux.gnu.
Symlink julia-release added in /home/zbk1/.local/bin. Add this directory to the system PATH to make the command available in your shell.
Configured the default Julia version to be 'release'.
Error: failed to create symlink `/home/zbk1/.juliaup/bin/julia`.
Caused by:
File exists (os error 17)
Question: Is the "File exists" error referring to the fact that "julia-release" already existed in /home/zbk1/.local/bin , before I did this "curl" command to install julia?
Then I did "setenv PATH "/home/zbk1/.local/bin:$PATH" which adds all the scripts in /home/zbk1/.local/bin to the PATH variable, so taht all the scripts in /home/zbk1/.local/bin can be directly run as commands.
Then when I do "julia", it says "julia: Command not found." When I do "juliaup", it says "juliaup: Command not found." Then when I do "julia-release", that works. That brings me to a Julia shell where I can run a line of Julia code at a time.
Question: I think I really need to be able to run the "julia" and "juliaup" command, so that "from pysr import PySRRegressor" works. On the server-connected terminal (the terminal described above), the "/home/[MyUser]/.local/bin" folder only contains a "julia-release" script and not a "julia" or "juliaup" script. How do I install julia so that "julia" and "juliaup" command are recognized?
Why the fact that "julia" is not a recognizable command is a issue for me:
I did "pip3 install -U pysr" in the terminal to install pysr as a package. I did "python3" to open a Python shell, and in the Python shell I did "import pysr". Then I did "from pysr import PySRRegressor", which gives me the message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'PySRRegressor'
All the above was done a server-connected terminal where "julia" is not a recognizable command. While on my normal non-server-connected terminal that is NOT server-connected, "julia" is a recognizable command, and "from pysr import PySRRegressor" actually does work.
Question: Is the "File exists" error referring to the fact that "julia-release" already existed in /home/zbk1/.local/bin , before I did this "curl" command to install julia?
No. The error tells you the cause
Error: failed to create symlink `/home/zbk1/.juliaup/bin/julia`.
Caused by:
File exists (os error 17)
This means that ~/.juliaup/bin/julia
exists and you will have to remove it.
But one thing is odd...
You said that
The only thing I changed from the default customization was that I answered "Yes" to "Do you want to add channel specific symlinks?". My answer to "Enter the folder where you want to install Juliaup" was the default answer ("· /home/MyUser/.juliaup")
I think you also missed the part that the default is actually ~/.julia/
on where to install juliaup. I still wonder why it fails to symlink though. EDIT: I mean what causes it to have an existing julia file in that directory?
I think without a reply by @unary-code here (to clarify whether ~/.juliaup/bin/julia
already existed) there is nothing further that can be done with this issue, as the circumstances that triggered it are unclear and so nothing really can be done?