julia copied to clipboard
Unreachable reached at 0x...
Testing with Julia 1.10.1 + some patches, we see:
Unreachable reached at 0x7fff395e787b
make: *** [Makefile:160: hydra/benchmark.micro.sorting] Illegal instruction (core dumped)
@Drvi then ran this test with a debug build of Julia and got:
φ node 207 is not at the beginning of the basic block 53
Internal error: encountered unexpected error in runtime:
MethodError(f=Base.Multimedia.display, args=(Core.Compiler.IRCode(stmts=Core.Compiler.InstructionStream(inst=Array{Any, (272,)}[
Expr(:enter, 76),
Expr(:call, Base.getfield, Core.Argument(n=2), :(:cond)),
We will share the entire error separately.
Attn: @vchuravy and @Keno
Do you have an MWE?
φ node 207 is not at the beginning of the basic block 53
This indicates that Julia produced invalid IR at some point.
I spent some time on this with @gbaraldi and we were able to find the broken IR and also narrow the problem down further. He should also be able to reproduce the error.
Over the last few days, we found that the PackageCompiler step for our system occasionally segfaults with no stack trace. Trying this with a debug build of Julia 1.10.1 with LLVM assertions on reveals many such invalid IR errors:
φ node 163 is not at the beginning of the basic block 39
φ node 207 is not at the beginning of the basic block 53
φ node 320 is not at the beginning of the basic block 105
φ node 371 is not at the beginning of the basic block 120
φ node 436 is not at the beginning of the basic block 135
This has blocked our plan to upgrade to Julia 1.10.1 this week. :(
Cc: @KristofferC whom @drvi had pinged about this, and @Keno, who added this error report.
I spent some time on this with @gbaraldi and we were able to find the broken IR and also narrow the problem down further. He should also be able to reproduce the error.
Do you have some IR or an MWE? There's still no code attached to this issue...
Shared privately.
Edited to add: sorry for the brevity here; there's more discussion on Slack. To summarize, we have not yet been able to reduce the code that triggers this error enough to share it here -- the "MWE" still contains a bunch of proprietary code.
However, @gbaraldi is able to reproduce, and hopefully the problem will be tracked down quickly!
So me and @topolarity reduced this to
function flush!(sc::Threads.Condition)
@lock sc begin
if Core.Compiler.inferencebarrier(true)
return nothing
return nothing
code_typed(flush!, (Threads.Condition,))
Note that this does not fail if you do a manual macro expansion. It also does not fail on master, so somewhere along the line we fixed this.
Awesome! Thanks for that! Is the issue present on 1.9 as well? Can you see from the code that's being generated, even though the assertion isn't present in 1.9?
The problem with the bad ϕ-nodes has been resolved, but this issue persists unfortunately.
So after @topolarity and me stared at this for way too long, this got minimized to
struct Foo{T} end
struct Bar{T} end
struct Baz{T} end
struct Lala{T} end
function swap!(pg::Foo{T}, page::Bar{Baz{T}}) where T
return nothing
TT1 = Tuple{
Foo{Lala{T}} where T,
Bar{T} where T<:Baz
A = Foo{Lala{T}} where T
T = TypeVar(:T, UnionAll(A.var, Baz{A.var}))
B = UnionAll(T, Bar{T})
TT2 = Tuple{typeof(swap!), A, B}
@assert TT1 == TT2
@assert TT1 === TT2
matches1 = Base._methods_by_ftype(TT1, nothing, -1, ccall(:jl_get_world_counter, UInt, ())) # 1 match
matches2 = Base._methods_by_ftype(TT2, nothing, -1, ccall(:jl_get_world_counter, UInt, ())) # 0 matches
@show matches1 matches2
This is probably a bug in subtyping somewhere. Note that TT1 is considered egal and isequal to TT2 but they behave differently
This is probably a bug in subtyping somewhere
Either that or it's illegal to construct a type with a shared TypeVar like this, in which case the bug is that we ended up doing that somewhere in inference
Either that or it's illegal to construct a type with a shared TypeVar like this
should take care of this though.
I haven't verified it locally, but this bug seems to be caused by this TODO
An easy fix is fusing unalias_unionall
Between #53512 and #53553, I believe this is fully resolved now!