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Pkg3: relative paths for adding local packages
So you can do,
Pkg.add("UTF64", "~/code/UTF64.jl")
i know you can just keep monkeying around with ~/.julia/v0.5/UTF64
, it just feels a little dirty
That second param could probably be a keyword argument under the name "path"
Along with others like:
- Github
- Branch
- Version
Yeah, I do this enough that I've just added the following to my juliarc.
using FilePaths
function Base.Pkg.add(path::AbstractPath)
extension(path) == "jl" || throw(ArgumentError("Expected pkg directory to end with '.jl'"))
pkg_name = filename(path)
pkg_dir = Path(Pkg.dir(pkg_name))
remove(pkg_dir; recursive=true)
symlink(path, pkg_dir)
You can clone from filesystem-local repositories already, though it does make a copy.