Julia Kukulies
Julia Kukulies
Thanks @lettlini, great suggestions! I had already included conventional comments, inspired by your very clear and structured code reviews :) But will definitely include the other two as well and...
Good idea!
We are not setting coordinate names in `testing.making_dataset_from_arr`in the current version, but we are also not testing `feature_detection_multithreshold`. In `RC_v1.5.0`, we are actually setting the coordinate name for the time...
@fsenf, sorry I figured my comment was a bit unclear. I was just saying that these test functions have only been introduced with the 3D changes. Hence, they exist in...
Excellent, @fsenf !
Good point, yes we should do that.
@freemansw1, was this already ready for a re-review (maybe after #354 is merged) or not quite yet? I can have a look at what is going on with the Jupyter...
> Oh - per our last Tobac meeting we talked about if Will's changes needed to be a separate merge/split method - it does not need to be a separate...
> @JuliaKukulies I believe the change in the results is due to a bug I fixed in the old version: because the minimum spanning tree was applied before the time...
> > Great, thanks for making the revisions. I've had a look through the changes and tested the code with both xarray and iris locally and have no issues to...