JSON.jl copied to clipboard
Dict written as a String
When I save into a json file a Dict which contains a Dict as a key, the key is replaced by a string.
Here is an example:
d = Dict{Dict{String, Int}, Int}(Dict("v1" => 1) => 2)
I save variable d
julia> open("test.json", "w") do f
JSON.print(f, d, 4)
The problem is that I get the following json file:
"Dict(\"v1\" => 1)": 2
and when I read the file, due to the quotation marks, Dict(\"v1\" => 1)
is considered to be a String rather than a Dict{String, Int}:
julia> sData = join(readlines("test.json"))
julia> dExtracted = JSON.parse(sData)
Dict{String,Any} with 1 entry:
"Dict(\"v1\" => 1)" => 2
Can I write and read in json a Dict which has a Dict as keys?
After some reading, I found that the name of an object in json is necessarily a string.
I replaced the type Dict{Dict{String, Int}
by Vector{Vector{Any}}
which is not completely satisfactory but works.
Personally I think JSON.jl should error on such keys and not just naively stringify them.
That would have saved me some debugging and reading ^^'.