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HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia

Results 63 JLD2.jl issues
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This PR implements significant additions to JLD2. It allows read access to many hdf5 files written with by the standard hdf5 c library. It requires decoding of the fractal heap,...

Inhttps://github.com/arviz-devs/InferenceObjects.jl/issues/3, @visr wrote: > Though there is https://github.com/JuliaIO/JLD2.jl which has quite a good subset of HDF5. It could be interesting to see how much is needed to use JLD2 to...

I tried to some large data and it fails to save them, so I made this MWE: The persistence fails in both cases, with, and without compression: ``` (@v1.7) pkg>...

Code and error message ``` using JLD2 using CUDA test=CuArray([1,2]) jldsave("example.jld2";test) ``` ``` julia> data=load("example.jld2") Dict{String, Any} with 1 entry:Error showing value of type Dict{String, Any}: ERROR: UndefRefError: access to...

I've got a struct which has an anonymous function as a field, with the type in the struct type parameters. I don't need to serialize the function, I can reconstruct...

#230 implemented thread-safety at a file level. However, if I try to read from a single file from multiple threads, I hit segfaults. I understand that multithreaded **writing** to a...

Hi, should it be possible to save tuple-like types of unknown size? Currently, this is not working: ``` using JLD2 T = NTuple{N, Int} where N jldsave("test.jld2", myT = T)...


To allow modification of arrays in existing files we should be able to make use of the `mmaparrays` keyword. Essentially one can modify `read_array` to check for the `mmaparrays` flag...

help wanted

This is a feature request that I had when I was interacting with some hdf5 files that were created from a separate program. With jld2 I can't save a Julia...

help wanted